Share Album is a piwigo plugin to enable simple per album share function. For any private album, you can generate and share a unique URL that you can share with the users you trust in enough to browse an album.
In the administrative area, you can from the Plugin > Share album screens :
- Individually share albums (create a new share)
- For each shared album, you can : copy the one-click share URL, regenerate this unique link, cancel it The same features are available when you navigate (as an administrator) in your albums.
Only the publicly accessible pictures in the album show up #71
Administrative functions :
- Optionally remove breadcrumbs on shared albums
- Optionally hide menus on shared albums (user name not shown, no albums navigation but current album)
- Version 15.1
- Fixed #100 User groups table name is hardcoded with the prefix piwigo_ (Thanks for contibutions !)
- Version 13.5 / 13.6
- Fixed #95 and #96 PHP8.1 / 8.2 deprecated functions produce warnings
- Version 13.4
- Fixed #93 PHP 8 undefined array keys in template
- Fixed #94 Undefined array key SHAREALBUM_USER_MESSAGE
- Version 13.3
- Additional languages Czech [CZ] - Italian [IT] - Swedish [SE]
- Version 13.2
- Additional corrections for PHP 8.0
- Version 13.1
- Fixed #91 Deprecated: Required parameter $user_id follows optional parameter $nb_image_page
- Fixed #92 ShareAlbum doesnt work under PHP 8.0
- Version 12.3
- Fixed #88 php8 compatibility and fixed evaluation of return value for the sharealbum_generated_code() function. Thanks to mato7d5
- Fixed #89 Clarification in the README for photo permissions (which need to be publicly visible)
- Version 12.2
- Enhanced maintain.class.php install / update code
- Version 12.1
- Piwigo 12 compatibility : Set the "Has Settings" keyword. Escaped groups keyword in SQL queries.
- Reverted #56 The link of the share button (in album view) had no action when album did not contain any picture.
- Fixed #83 When an album with sub albums does not contain any pic, share button does not work
- Fixed #84 Album name not displayed with Bootstrap Darkroom.
- Version 11.8
- Fixed #80 Need to improve compatibility of update method (to add columns) for older MySQL / MariaDB versions
- Version 11.7
- Fixed #77 #78 #79 with language not escaped characters
- Version 11.6
- Fixed a language file issue
- Version 11.5
- Fixed #74 Uncaught error - following 11.4 upgrade
- Version 11.4
- Added #72 Allow non-administrators to create share-urls (via a sharealbum_powerusers group)
- Added #43 (and duplicate #73) Shares can now be applied recursively to include nested / sub-albums (There's a new option in the configuration page to activate this feature. Please not that existing shares will not modified, you need to cancel and recreate them)
- Version 11.3
- Added #68 Admin add sort by last visit date
- Added #69 Admin default sort by creation date DESC
- Added #70 Add default number of photos per page for shared albums
- Fixed #26 Localization issue. Created users are now set a locale equal to default Piwigo locale
- Version 11.2
- Fixed #61 When users use different share link, the get cookies related errors
- Added #65 Share option should only be available on albums which contains at least 1 picture
- Added #58 Admin interface : lines are too long and displayed on 2 lines : optional display of the share link (but keep copy paste feature)
- Added #59 Admin interface : Implement sort in the shared albums list
- Added #66 Admin interface : Restrict max displayed length of the album
- Added #60 Admin interface - Implement multi select
- Version 11.1
- Fixed #64 Piwigo 11 compatibility
- Version 1.10
- Fixed #53 1 of 3 albums won't show up in the picklist
- Fixed #56 Share option should be available only on private albums containing at least picture
- Fixed #57 Share icon with Bootstrap Darkroom theme displays the text "Share". To be removed
- Version 1.9
- Fixed #51 After upgrade to 1.7 no private albums recognized : Virtual albums are now detected as well as physical albums
- Version 1.7
- Fixed #50 Administration page, albums were not sorted (share a new album)
- Fixed #38 Mobile device browsing, the share icon does not have a text description
- Version 1.6
- Added version number into plugin (instead of auto) for better identification
- Implemented New administration pages features : create shares, renew share, cancel share. Copy share URL to clipboard
- Version 1.5
- Fixed #47 Host not filled in correctly (probably when using a reverse proxy. Alternate method for host detection
- Fixed #40 You are not authorised to access the requested page. Thanks to drenghel
- Fixed #42 Can't find Share Button
- Version 1.4
- Fixed #45 Modus theme compatibility
- Version 1.3
- Implemented #29 Manage users within a group
- Fixed #31 Translation : Activity logs shown below
- Version 1.2.2
- Fixed #7 Interaction with CSS in LocalFiles Editor
- Fixed #23 Translation missing for french : Connection log for selected album
- Version 1.2.1
- Fixed #22 Fatal error: Class 'Share_Album_maintain' not found
- Version 1.2
- Implemented #19 List visits / ip of visitors of a shared album when clicking on the number of visits
- Implemented #14 Add option to "remember me" users logged in via shared link
- Fixed #18 Click on Connect within identification menu should trigger warning
- Version 1.1
- Fixed #17 Warning: [mysql error 1146] Table 'xxx.piwigo_sharealbum' doesn't exist
- Version 1.0
- Implemented #15 Add number of visits and last visit using the shared link enhancement
- Implemented #13 Provide a way to logout guest user when browsing in shared link mode enhancement
- Implemented #2 Administration / List of the currently shared albums
- Fixed #12 When browsing in guest mode, access to identification.php produces undefined index category errors
- Fixed #10 Prevent codes smaller or longer than expected
- Fixed #9 Share button shows on categories (with subcategories) page
- Version 0.5 Beta release
- Implemented Issue #8 (bigs38) Return to the album view enhancement : Album name now links to the category page
- Version 0.4 Early release
- Compatible with the Piwigo 2.9
- Implemented Issue #5 Option - Remove breadcrumbs and display only album name
- Implemented Issue #6 Option - Hide menus albums accessed though unique URL
- Fixed translations
- Version 0.3 Early release, please consider as a beta version and do not use it for production
- Implemented #1 Event handler on user deletion #1 #1
- Version 0.2 Early release, please consider as a beta version and do not use it for production. Fixed package
- Version 0.1 Early release, please consider as a beta version and do not use it for production Compatible with the Piwigo 2.9 Tested with the following themes : Bootstrap Darkroom, Bootstrap default, clear, dark, elegant Not tested with a lot of other plugins activated, especially those interacting with URL arguments
From each private album, there's a new "Share" sub menu displayed on the category (album) page. From this menu, you can share this album. One shared, you are provided with a unique http(s) link giving access to this album.
Behind the scene :
- A unique Piwigo user is created with a random password assigned. By default, user type is set to 'generic'
- This user is granted to browse the selected (and only) category album. When logging with the specific link, the user is logged in and redirected
Requirements to share an album :
- The share function can only be managed by Administrator users
- The share function is only available for private albums
See issues list on GitHub :
Arnaud (petitssuisses)