Garrison is the way to tidy up your Twitter feed.
It runs a machine learning algorithm over the people you follow to sort them in list based on topics they talk about.
The focus of this project is to find a way to normalize Twitter home feed by clustering following people in lists. Steps to be made are:
- Authorize the twitter user
- Retrieve the list of ids of friends (account you are following)
- Retrieve up to the latest 200 tweets for each friend
- Analyze each person tweets and reply to classify topics for each person by:
- Bio - usually in the bio there are useful informations to extract
- Topic - what topic is the person tweeting about?
- Relevance - how much is each topic relevant? We want to get the topics that have the most relevance for each person
- Make clusters of people by topic and relevance
Ohohoh, times to clean things up Ladies!
Garrison comes in two test flavours as we are striving to find the best working solution:
- TF-IDF matrix and k-means clustering in version 1
- LDA + Embeddings in version 2
Garrison gives result for each Tweet text in terms of cluster (topic) with associated Bag-of-words, each one with a % of occurence, associating the User
Ohohoh, I'm working, no Meganoid is above the Garrison way
Garrison Pipeline is composed of 3 main elements:
- Garrison Tweeter-Catcher: Node.js solution with index.js to run the script and an Auth file that contains credentials to authenticate to Twitter API. The solution takes 2 arguments: -u the Twitter handle and -c the max number of tweet to retrieve. If -u is not used Garrison get the following tweets and not the personal ones.
- Garrison Csv Converter: in order to make a dataset for Garrison Tidy we use this one to convert the json output to a standard pre-formatted csv file.
- Garrison Tidy: it comes as said in 2 versions: just load in Google colab the ipynb and run it passing the test dataset from the steps above.
- In counting: specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to a maximum of 200 per distinct request. The value of count is best thought of as a limit to the number of Tweets to return because suspended or deleted content is removed after the count has been applied. We include retweets in the count, even if include_rts is not supplied. It is recommended you always send include_rts=1 when using this API method.
Ohohoh, get it done my friends!
For Node.js to work you'll need a .env file with your Twitter api credentials
- Those with X are already provided by your Twitter developer portal.
- Those with Y can be retrieved by running auth.js and following the provided instructions.
Launch the provided bash command:
** -c <count> -u [<user>]