This note aims to provide guidance in resolving common queries about the use of
interrupts in asyncio
Writing an interrupt service routine (ISR) requires care: see the
official docs.
There are restrictions (detailed below) on the way an ISR can interface with
. Finally, on many platformasyncioupts are a limited resource. In
short interrupts are extremely useful but, if a practical alternative exists,
it should be seriously considered.
Requirements that warrant an interrupt along with a asyncio
interface are
ones that require a microsecond-level response, followed by later processing.
Examples are:
- Where the event requires an accurate timestamp.
- Where a device supplies data and needs to be rapidly serviced. Data is put in a pre-allocated buffer for later processing.
Examples needing great care:
- Where arrival of data triggers an interrupt and subsequent interrupts may occur after a short period of time.
- Where arrival of an interrupt triggers complex application behaviour: see notes on context.
An alternative to interrupts is to use polling. For values that change slowly such as ambient temperature or pressure this simplification is achieved with no discernible impact on performance.
temp = 0
async def read_temp():
global temp
while True:
temp =
await asyncio.sleep(60)
In cases where interrupts arrive at a low frequency it is worth considering whether there is any gain in using an interrupt rather than polling the hardware:
async def read_data():
while True:
while not device.ready():
await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)
data =
# process the data
The overhead of polling is typically low. The MicroPython VM might use
300μs to determine that the device is not ready. This will occur once per
iteration of the scheduler, during which time every other pending task gets a
slice of execution. If there were five tasks, each of which used 5ms of VM time,
the overhead would be 0.3*100/(5*5)=1.2%
- see latency.
Devices such as pushbuttons and switches are best polled as, in most applications, latency of (say) 100ms is barely detectable. Interrupts lead to difficulties with contact bounce which is readily handled using a simple asyncio driver. There may be exceptions which warrant an interrupt such as fast games or cases where switches are machine-operated such as limit switches.
Devices such as UARTs and sockets are supported by the asyncio
mechanism. The UART driver uses interrupts at a firmware level, but exposes
its interface to asyncio
by means of the StreamReader
and StreamWriter
classes. These greatly simplify the use of such devices.
It is also possible to write device drivers in Python enabling the use of the stream mechanism. This is covered in the tutorial.
This section details some of the issues to consider where interrupts are to be
used with asyncio
Consider an application with four continuously running tasks, plus a fifth which is paused waiting on an interrupt. Each of the four tasks will yield to the scheduler at intervals. Each task will have a worst-case period of blocking between yields. Assume that the worst-case times for each task are 50, 30, 25 and 10ms. If the program logic allows it, the situation may arise where all of these tasks are queued for execution, and all are poised to block for the maximum period. Assume that at that moment the fifth task is triggered.
With current asyncio
design that fifth task will be queued for execution
after the four pending tasks. It will therefore run after
(50+30+25+10) = 115ms
An enhancement to asyncio
has been discussed that would reduce that to 50ms,
but that is the irreduceable minimum for any cooperative scheduler.
The key issue with latency is the case where a second interrupt occurs while
the first is still waiting for its asyncio
handler to be scheduled. If this
is a possibility, mechanisms such as buffering or queueing must be considered.
Consider an incremental encoder providing input to a GUI. Owing to the need to track phase information an interrupt must be used for the encoder's two signals. An ISR determines the current position of the encoder, and if it has changed, calls a method in the GUI code.
The consequences of this can be complex. A widget's visual appearance may change. User callbacks may be triggered, running arbitrary Python code. Crucially all of this occurs in an ISR context. This is unacceptable for all the reasons identified in this doc.
Note that using micropython.schedule
does not address every issue associated
with ISR context because restictions remain on the use of asyncio
operations. This is because such code can pre-empt the asyncio
This is discussed further below.
A solution to the encoder problem is to have the ISR maintain a value of the
encoder's position, with a asyncio
task polling this and triggering the GUI
callback. This ensures that the callback runs in a asyncio
context and can
run any Python code, including asyncio
operations such as creating and
cancelling tasks. This will work if the position value is stored in a single
word, because changes to a word are atomic (non-interruptible). A more general
solution is to use asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag
This should be read in conjunction with the discussion of the ThreadSafeFlag
in the official docs
and the tutorial.
Assume a hardware device capable of raising an interrupt when data is
available. The requirement is to read the device fast and subsequently process
the data using a asyncio
task. An obvious (but wrong) approach is:
data = bytearray(4)
# isr runs in response to an interrupt from device
def isr():
device.read_into(data) # Perform a non-allocating read
asyncio.create_task(process_data()) # BUG
This is incorrect because when an ISR runs, it can pre-empt the asyncio
scheduler with the result that asyncio.create_task()
may disrupt the
scheduler. This applies whether the interrupt is hard or soft and also applies
if the ISR has passed execution to another function via micropython.schedule
as described above, all such code runs in an ISR context.
The safe way to interface between ISR-context code and asyncio
is to have a
coroutine with synchronisation performed by asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag
. The
following fragment illustrates the creation of a task in response to an
tsf = asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
data = bytearray(4)
def isr(_): # Interrupt handler
device.read_into(data) # Perform a non-allocating read
tsf.set() # Trigger task creation
async def check_for_interrupts():
while True:
await tsf.wait()
It is worth considering whether there is any point in creating a task rather than using this template:
tsf = asyncio.ThreadSafeFlag()
data = bytearray(4)
def isr(_): # Interrupt handler
device.read_into(data) # Perform a non-allocating read
tsf.set() # Trigger task creation
async def process_data():
while True:
await tsf.wait()
# Process the data here before waiting for the next interrupt
This is a byte-oriented circular buffer [documented here]
which provides an efficient way to return data from an ISR to an asyncio
It is implemented in C so performance is high, and supports stream I/O. The
following is a usage example:
import asyncio
from machine import Timer
import micropython
imu = SomeDevice() # Fictional hardware IMU device
FRAMESIZE = 8 # Count, x, y, z accel
BUFSIZE = 200 # No. of records. Size allows for up to 200ms of asyncio latency.
rio = micropython.RingIO(FRAMESIZE * BUFSIZE + 1) # RingIO requires an extra byte
count = 0x4000 # Bit14 is "Start of frame" marker. Low bits are a frame counter.
def cb(_): # Timer callback. Runs at 1KHz.
global count # Frame count
imu.get_accel_irq() # Trigger the device
rio.write(chr(count >> 8))
rio.write(chr(count & 0xff))
rio.write(imu.accel.ix) # Device returns bytes objects (length 2)
count += 1
async def main(nrecs):
t = Timer(freq=1_000, callback=cb)
sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(rio)
rpb = 100 # Records per block
blocksize = FRAMESIZE * rpb
with open('/sd/imudata', 'wb') as f:
swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(f, {})
while nrecs:
data = await sreader.readexactly(blocksize)
await swriter.drain()
nrecs -= rpb
In this example data is acquired at a timer-controlled rate of 1KHz, with eight
bytes being written to the RingIO
every tick. The main()
task reads the data
stream and writes it out to a file. Similar code was tested on a Pyboard 1.1.
Other classes capable of being used to interface an ISR with asyncio
discussed here,
notably the ThreadSafeQueue
. This ring buffer allows entries to be objects
other than bytes. It supports the asynchronous iterator protocol (rather than
stream I/O) and is written in Python.
The ThreadSafeFlag
and RingIO
classes are the official asyncio
which can safely be used in an ISR context. Unofficial "thread safe" classes may
also be used. Beware of classes such as Queue
and RingbufQueue
which are not
thread safe.