- Mission #1 : Create your own web framework.
- Mission #X : Swap your framework to WebApi or Nancy
- Mission #Y : Create two web sites running your framework with Azure AD SSO.
- Mission #Z : Test your framework with Selfhost.
-Bonus : Try Helios, maybe on a Azure WebSite.
##Creating your own framework Here is some scenarios that you might want to takle.
To create a simple framework may want;
- Routing
- Serving HTML - static files or a redering engine (Razor/Markdown)
- Serving JSON
- Serving Files
Try supporting a route like Web Api/MVC;
- /Api/Orders/1
- Bindings - /APi/Orders/1?x=1&y=2
- Nested routes
###OWIN & Katana http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/owin-and-katana/an-overview-of-project-katana
###Helios http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/02/18/introducing-asp-net-project-helios.aspx
###Azure AD http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2014/02/20/ws-federation-in-microsoft-owin-componentsa-quick-start/