We had a phone screen and we think you may be the next frontend/react guru who will join our team of talented developers.
We've tried to put together a code challenge that will test your overall knowledge of React, Typescript, Jest, HTML and CSS.
The challenge leverages a weather feed using an open source api. Create a dashboard with a 5-day forecast for user entered city. Please make allow up to 20 cities to be entered by the user and the 5 records could be searchable. The dashboard should allow each day to be clickable and open a 12 hour forecast view for that day. Make sure the UI is functional, attractive and renders properly on all device viewports.
- Fork the project on github to a public repository under your github user
- Apply your modifications to satisfy the requirements
- Email the forked repository with your code modifications to [email protected]
yarn run dev
Then the site will be available at http://localhost:3000/.
We realize that attractive is subjective. Use your best judgement. There is not a correct answer to attractive.
- Search Feature
- Ability to enter a valid city/state/location
- Allow the for pagination once the user has enter 5 cities or more.
- Make sure to not to any other packages except a package for grabbing the JSON data.
- Feel free to add SCSS to
- Do not add a CSS framework or other library to accomplish this task.
- BONUS - Add Jest tests for each page/component you create.