This library provides a service exchange documents between micro services.
This provides a spring boot starter for the document access lib using redis
Add jrcc-access-spring-boot-starter
to your project (See jrcc-access-spring-boot-sample-app pom.xml as an example)
Add settings into the application.settings
or application.yml
logging.level.root = INFO = DEBUG
logging.pattern.console = "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %X{transaction.filename} %X{}- %msg%n"
logging.pattern.console property only works if we use Logback logging implementation (the default). The pattern which is needed to be specified also follows the Logback layout rules
%X{transaction.filename} is the java logging MDC key for transaction filename supported in jrcc-document-access-libs. %X{} is java logging MDC key for transaction id supported in jrcc-document-access-libs.
name | definition | required |
bcgov.access.input.document-type | String | No |
bcgov.access.input.plugin | String | Yes |
bcgov.access.input.sender | String | No |
- Value type is String
- Default value is
Sets the document type to be manipulated
- Value type is String
Sets the plugin type
- Value type is String
Sets the sender of the request
You can configure the document input using bcgov.access.input.plugin
Reads document form the standard input. Each document is assumed to be one line
There are no special configuration options for this plugin, but it does support the Common Options.
Using this input you can receive a single document over http(s). For more details have a look at the document API.
Make sure "spring.main.web-application-type: none"(which will block all http operation) is not present the application.settings
or application.yml
You can configure the web server using standard spring configuration. Document sent to the api are handle with the default documentReadyHandler.
There are no special configuration options for this plugin, but it does support the Common Options and spring standard EMBEDDED SERVER CONFIGURATION (ServerProperties). Common Application Properties
Example to run the service on port 5050
Using this plugin you can receive JSON format messages from a specified rabbitMq queue(in our program, it is test-doc.0s.x0.q).
To publish, visit the RabbitMQ Management console (accessible on port 15672), navigate to the Queues
tab and scroll down to the Publish message
The message Payload should be like following:
The Properties of the published message should be : content_type = application/json.
Make sure this is a property and not a header
The lib will try to get the content from Redis Storage with key and md5 specified in above key and md5.
It supports the Common Options and the following options:
name | type | required |
bcgov.access.input.rabbitmq.retryDelay | Int | No |
bcgov.access.input.rabbitmq.retryCount | Int | No |
- Value type is Int
- Default value is
Sets the delay in seconds between retries when the service is failing to process the message and throwing application known errors.
- Value type is Int
- Default value is
Sets the maximum attempt to reprocess a message in the queue.
Using this plugin you can receive messages from a specified Sftp server when there is a new file. This Sftp plugin will only receive a file once, it uses the server's file timestamp to detect if we've already 'processed' this file. It needs redis data structure store as Metadata Store.
It support the Common Options and the following options:
name | type | required |
---|---|---| | String | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.port | Int | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.username | String | Yes |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.password | String | Yes |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.remote-directory | String | Yes |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.filter-pattern | String | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.cron | String | Yes |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.max-message-per-poll | String | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.ssh-private-key | Resource | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.ssh-private-passphrase | String | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.allow-unknown-keys | boolean | No |
bcgov.access.input.sftp.known-host-file | String | Yes (if allow-unknown-key is false) |
- Value type is String
- Default value is
Sets the sftp server host
- Value type is Int
- Default value is
Sets the sftp server port
- Value type is String
Sets the sftp server username
- Value type is String
Sets the sftp server password
- Value type is String
Sets the sftp server remote directory.
- Value type is String
- Default value is
Sets a regular expression to filter the list.
- Value type is String
Sets a cron tab expression with 6 fields.
- Value type is String
- Required
Sets the maximum message per poll.
- Value type is String
Sets the location of the private key.
- Value type is String
Sets the passphrase for the private key.
- Value type is Boolean
- Default value is false
When no UserInfo has been provided, set to true to unconditionally allow connecting to an unknown host or when a host's key has changed (see knownHosts)
- Value type is String
Specifies the filename that will be used for a host key repository. The file has the same format as OpenSSH's known_hosts file. If allow-unknown-key is false, this property must be set correctly, or KnownHostFileNotDefinedException or KnownHostFileNotFoundException will be thrown. If allow-unknown-key is true, this property will be ignored.
You can configure the document input using the bcgov.access.output
A simple output which prints document information to STDOUT. The console output is mostly used when testing the application configuration.
It supports the [Common Options](#Common Options) and the following options:
name | type | required |
bcgov.access.output.console.format | String | No |
- Value type is String
- Default value is
- Value can be any of
When set to default
the output is truncated to 100 chars.
When set to xml
the plugins tries to prettify the xml document or return the content of the document
Push documents to a RabbitMq exchange and store document to Redis Cache.
It supports the Common Options and the following options:
name | type | required |
bcgov.access.output.rabbitmq.ttl | Int | No |
- Value type is Int
- Default value is
Sets the time to live for the document in the temporary storage (expressed in hours)
You can register a processor to transform the content of the message.
To register a processor do the following:
Create a new spring component that implements DocumentProcessor
public class UpperCaseProcessor implements DocumentProcessor {
public String processDocument(String content, TransactionInfo transactionInfo) {
return content.toUpperCase(Locale.CANADA);
When registered, the processor will act on the input document content. For example, in the case shown above all input content will be converted to upper case.
The sample app is a demo that shows the usage of jrcc-access-spring-boot-starter
Running this application requires Apache Maven which in-turn has a dependency on Java. As a result, the following will need to be installed:
- mvn Apache Maven
- Java JDK Java SE Development Kit 8u221, Java 1.8
- Other versions of Java may not work with this project due to project restrictions and requirements.
- When installing Java and Maven, make sure that the path environment variable is set to
. - Add an env variable called
and set it to<path_to_jdk>
. - Edit the
system variable and add 3 new paths: 1)%MAVEN_HOME%\bin
, 2)%JAVA_HOME%\bin
, and 3)<path_to_jdk>
Install jrcc-access-libs
Run the following command: mvn clean install
Run the sample
mvn clean install -P sample-app
mvn spring-boot:run -f jrcc-access-spring-boot-sample-app/pom.xml
This app is configured to receive document using the http plugin like following in application.yml
sender: bcgov
document-type: test-doc
plugin: http
document-type: test-doc
plugin: console
you can use this Postman collection to interact with the server.
For body, select form-data and input key value as "file" and select file.
set the http header to Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Create a redis container
docker run --name some-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
Create a rabbit container
docker run -d --hostname some-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
update the application.yml
input: http
sender: bcgov
document-type: test-doc
plugin: rabbitmq
ttl: 1
To view the message in a queue, login to rabbitmq management console with default guest/guest and create a binding to the document.ready
exchange using test-doc
routing key
step 0. Create a redis container
docker run --name some-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
step 1. Create a sftp server container (from WindowsPowerShell or GitBash)
docker run -p 22:22 -d atmoz/sftp myname:pass:::upload
step 2. User "myname" with password "pass" can login with sftp and upload files to a folder called "upload". We are forwarding the container's port 22 to the host's port 22.
step 3. Use a Sftp Client application ( such as Filezilla, WinSCP, coreFTP) to connect to the server.(use sftp protocal and ip: localhost, port:22)
step 4. If you do not want to unconditionally allow connecting to an unknown host or when a host's key has changed, you need to provide a known_hosts file. Use the following command to generate a known_hosts file for started sftp server (from WindowsPowerShell or GitBash).
ssh-keyscan -v -p 22 localhost>>known_hosts
step 5. Update the application.yml
web-application-type: none
console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %X{transaction.filename} - %msg%n"
file: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %X{transaction.filename} - %msg%n"
sender: bcgov
document-type: test-doc
plugin: sftp
host: localhost
port: 22
username: myname
password: pass
remote-directory: /upload
max-message-per-poll: 5
cron: 0/5 * * * * *
allow-unknown-keys: false
known-host-file: C:\Users\user\.ssh\known_hosts
document-type: test-doc
plugin: console
Then start the sample application and use Sftp client to drag a file from your local file system to remote upload folder. The sample application should process the file and output it.
To create a new release run on develop branch
mvn versions:set -DartifactId=* -DgroupId=*
it will prompt you for the new version
do a pull request against dev
To contribute to the repo, please fork the repository and submit a pull request to the team. We will look into it accordingly.
This project has been configured to use git hooks; specifically the precommit hook. Thus, on every commit the mvn clean install
command will be executed which will run all your tests and ensure that your code successfully builds and compiles. This helps to ensure bug-free development and deployment.
To set up the hooks to work, please run the following command from the root of the repo:
bash ./scripts/install-hooks.bash
Note: Make sure git cmd folder is added to the environment variable path. For GitKraken user, make sure "Path to sh.exe" is set in GitKraken. (File=>Preference=>General=>Path to sh.exe)