H-SENS server repository
- Who are you?
- signing in / signing out/ verifying passwords
- Who can see what
- Permissions / Access Control
- email/password stored in DB
- Login w/ Facebook, Twitter, Github, Google
Single Sign-On
- OneLogin
- Enterprise systems
Many more...
"Signup" === "Sign up" === "Register" === "Join" === "Create Account" "Signin" === "Sign in" === "Log in" === "Login" "Signout" === "Sign out" === "Log out" === "Logout"
client --(HTTP POST)--> Server
POST /signup HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.org
email=[email protected]&password=pass
server --(some code)--> DateBase
Users().where({ email: '[email protected]' })
// watching tom scott hashing password
- Check that the email is not in use
- Hash the user's password(w/ BCrypt)
- Store the email / hashed password in the database
Add JWT-based authentication to a Node/Express/Mongo app
- Create Server
- Add auth router
- Create user with POST /auth/signup
- validate required fields
- Check if email is unique
- hash password with bcrypy
- insert into db
- Login user with POST /auth/login
- check if email in db * [ ] compare password with hashed password in db * [ ] Create and sign a JWT * [ ] Respond with JWT
- Create login form; show errors; redirect;
- validate required fields
- Create sign up form; show errorsl redirect;
- Validate required fields
- Visitors can only see the homepage
- isLoggedIn middlewate
- Validate JWT in header
- set req.user to be JWT payload
- send an unauthorized error message
- Validate JWT in header
- redirect to login form
- isLoggedIn middlewate
- Logged in users can only see their page
- allowAccess middleware
- id in url must match id in req.user
- send an unauthorized error message
- redirect to user page if they visit the homepage
- set user_id in localStorage after login/signup
- allowAccess middleware
- Add Get /auth/logout to clear user_id cookie
- redirect to login page
- Admin page that lists all users
- admin table with user_id
- de-activate users
- Admin can see any page on site
- Rate limiting
- Prevent brute force logins