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Henning Leutz edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 16 revisions

Marble.Cards Browser Extension Wiki

Welcome to the Marble.Cards Browser Extension Wiki! Here you will find everything important around and about Marble.Cards.

What is this place?

This here is a browser plugin for the cryptocurrency crypto-collectibles Marble.Cards. This plugin helps you to find and create Marble.Cards. Don't worry if you don't know what crypto-collectibles are or you have never heard of Marble.Cards. All this is explained here.



What are Marble cards?

  • It’s a way to create and trade unique digital cards based on URLs
  • Every web page can only be marbled once and by one person only
  • Once a card is created, that URL is claimed forever
  • All Marble cards are non-fungible tokens built on Ethereum

More about Marble.Cards

What need I to marble?

What is meta mask?

MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet & gateway to blockchain apps. You can see MetaMask as your wallet in the browser.

What is a collectible?

A crypto-collectible is a one-of-a-kind non-fungible digital asset.

What?!? I know, ok, a little bit simpler:

Collectibles are unique digital goods that can be exchanged. Think of collectibles as a kind of object only in digital form. These objects can represent cards, things, images and much more. Collectibles come in many varieties, the most famous are CryptoKitties or Cards like from Gods Unchained.

How get I my first card

You are now equipped with Meta Mask and want to have your first card? Great!

On your way to a Marble Master you have several possibilities to get cards. You can buy / auction cards, create cards yourself or win cards.

Buy / auction cards

Let's start with the easier way. Buying cards by auction. On OpenSea you will find a wealth of cards. I think everyone can find something here.

Create cards

Yes you can create your own cards! That's what's so cool about MarbleCards. You have to be aware of a few things. Not every url is available at the moment.

With the Marble Plugin you can quickly check which URL is still available. So first find a URL which is still available and for which you are able to create a card for it.

All further steps are explained under How to marble, how can I create a card?

Win cards

Marble Cards has many competitions, lotteries and giveaways.
At the moment all this action is being held in the Discord. Just take a look at the Discord. Here you will find not only giveaways but also like-minded people :-)

How to marble, how can I create a card?

You have found an URL which is available to marble as a card? Well, then let's go. For this go to the following link:

Then insert your URL into the input field and click on the button "Check availablity

How to create

Why can't I marble Wikipedia URLs?

There are Wikipedia cards. But these belong to the Genesis cards. At the moment it is not possible to create Wikipedia cards yourself.

What types of cards are there?

At the moment there are different types of cards. Genesis, Origin, Edition and regular cards. In addition to the types of cards, there are also properties that can make a card more valuable. Each card has a level and can also become gold.

What are Genesis Cards?

Genesis Cards are the first cards created in Marble.Cards. There are 33 Genesis Cards in total and there will never be more.

What are Origin Cards?

Origin Cards are the first cards created in Marble.Cards, too. But unlike the Genesis Cards, these cards were created after the Genesis Cards. In total there are 966 Origin Cards.

What are Edition Cards

Edition cards are special cards which have a special background. This background is not determined by the algorithm but was created by an artist. More coming soon....

What are Gold Cards?

When creating / marbling a card, the card can get the gold status. Only 5% of the cards receive the gold status and it is determined randomly during the creation of the cards.

How can I help?

You can program?

Very cool. Help is welcome, you are welcome to send PR's, but please have a close look at the source code and stick to the code standard.

You can not program?

Also good and not bad. Even as a non-programmer your help is welcome. You have ideas for additions or improvements? You found a bug? Please write these things under Please do not send these things via Twitter, Chat, Mail or any other way. The Issues is exactly the right place for that.

You don't know how else you can help?

You really want to help? No problem, just have a look at the Marble.Cards Chat. If you can't help us with the plugin, the guys at Marble.Cards probably need help too. You can find the Discord Chat at:

Further Links