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Travello is an app that will help a user to plan trips and enable them to see all the information in well organized form.

User Flow Diagram

User Flow Diagram

Database schema

  • Database contains one table which include basic details about a travel, to keep it as straightforward as possible. Later on the schema may be changed to group related fields in separate tables and also contain more column with more details about trip from user.

This schema shows what kind of user input I was planning to get at the beginning.

Image of extended database schema

Schema below is the actual one I was working on, to simplyify even more.

Image of database schema

API routes plan

Image of API routes

Used technologies

  1. MySQL - database
  2. Express - to create server and API routes
  3. Node.js - to run the server
  4. React - Front-end
  5. Bootstrap - styling


  1. Run yarn install in project directory. This will install server's project dependencies such as Express.
  2. cd client and yarn install. This will install client dependencies (React).

Database preperation

  1. Create MySQL database.
  2. In your root project folder create .env file to keep information about mySQL autentication, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_NAME, DB_PASS. In file database.js update information according to info in your .env file.
  3. To create table that will represent the same table I used you need to run npm run migrate or yarn migrate in your terminal. You can see definition of this table in database.js file.

Future features

  1. Display only travel destination and date (and some grafic) after user click the box all details will be revield
  2. Sort trips by date (upcoming first)
  3. Log in form
  4. Map for individual trip to show location of hotel, car rental etc.
  5. User can create wish list/ bucket list/ travel inspirations


This is a student project that was created at CodeOp, a full stack development bootcamp in Barcelona.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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