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Patrick Rauer edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Phosphorpy wiki!

Phosphorpy is a python package to reduce the standard overhead in the case of working with multiple large photometric surveys. It includes downloading additional data from different surveys, masking data, computing colors and fluxes from the magnitudes of the surveys and SED fitting. In addition light curves and spectra from different sources can be accessed in an easy way, too. For a fast exploration of the data a basic graphical presentation for every kind of the provided data is also implement.


Phosphorpy can be installed via pip:

pip install Phosphorpy


Getting started:

Documentation of the main subpackage:


Phosphorpy requires the following third party python packages:

  • armapy
  • astropy
  • astroquery
  • extinction
  • matplotlib
  • numba
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • request
  • scipy
  • seaborn
  • sklearn

All these packages should be installed automatically if pip is used. Otherwise please follow the instructions of the respective package(s) to install it/them.

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