Audio Visual HRI Interaction with Reemc Robot from Pal Robotics
- Python 2.x
- Opencv 2.x/3.x
- Openni
- sox, a command line sound processing tool
- sound localization package ("pal-asr packages")
- wolframalpha python package if your planning to use interact node (pip install wolframalpha)
##How to run It is recommended that you run the commands in the specified order.
using the NAO robot:
roslaunch nao_driver nao_driver.launch
#enable joints stiffness
rosservice call /body_stiffness enable
#make sure that you specify the right camera frames topic
roslaunch pal_face_detector_opencv detector.launch
#make sure that you change the audio card ID
rosrun pal_jackproc jackDeployer --device=hw:1,0
rosrun pal_sound_loc pal_sound_loc
#make sure that you specify the right camera frames topic
roslaunch fusion fusion.launch
#make sure that you specify the right camera frames topic
roslaunch particle_tracker tracker.launch
rosrun interact gspeech
Using the REEMC simulation:
launch the gazebo simulation along with the reem robot model, and some human models:
roslaunch reem_gazebo office_with_humans.launch
Insure that the correct frame topic is selected in the launch file
roslaunch fusion face_detector.launch
Setup the audio node and select the correct ID/hw
rosrun pal_jackproc jackDeployer --device=hw:1,0
rosrun pal_sound_loc pal_sound_loc
Start the fusion node that combines sound and face tracking to interact
roslaunch fusion fusion.launch
Run the particle filter used to track the face
roslaunch particle_tracker tracker.launch
Run the AI bot that will record audio, then runs the speech to text engine, then submits the text to the online AI bot, gets the responce in a text form, and passes the text to the text to speech engine
rosrun interact
- The interaction nodes implement client-server model in which the "interact speech" node issue requests to the "data fusion" and the "particle tracker" nodes. Therefore it is important to run the three nodes mention in the specified order.
- if you change an argument in any of the launch files used in steps 5-7, make sure that you modify the other launch files accordingly