🔭 I’ve been on Kubernetes v1.26 & v1.25 as an Enhancements shadow and have served as a Release Notes shadow in the Kubernetes v1.24 & v1.23 Release cycles.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Blockchain Development
👨💻 My designs and blogs can be viewed at https://bio.link/parulsahoo
💬 Ask me about Docker, K8s, AWS
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
LFX mentorship is a program under CNCF which promotes adoption, innovation and sustainability of open source. I have been selected to serve as a mentee to Crossplane for the Summer of 2022. Here I worked on adding automated tests for pulling private packages that are supported by Crossplane.
The Shadow system is an apprenticeship model. Shadows on the release team work under the team leads and learn the different roles performed by the team during a release cycle. I have served as a Release Notes Shadow for v1.23 & v1.24 and as an Enhancements shadow for v1.25.
➤ Launchnodes:
Worked on managing Beacon nodes on AWS using CloudFormation Templates. And conducted research on Interneet of Blockchains to help expand the scope of the project's application.