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If you find an error or anything else. Please message me in discord: thesamefabius


  1. Install CounterStrike Sharp, Metamod:Source
  2. Download VIPCore
  3. Unpack the archive and upload it to the game server (example path: addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins)

Put the modules in this path addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins


Command Description
css_vip_reload or !vip_reload Reloads the configuration (@css/root)
css_vip_adduser <steamid or accountid> <vipgroup> <time or 0 permanently> Adds a VIP player (for server console only)
css_vip_updateuser <steamid or accountid> <group or -s> <time or -s> Updates the player's VIP (for server console only)
css_vip_deleteuser <steamid or accountid> Allows you to delete a player by SteamID identifier (for server console only)
css_vip or !vip Opens the VIP menu


Located in the folder addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/VIPCore


  "TimeMode": 0,		   // 0 - seconds | 1 - minutes | 2 - hours | 3 - days)
  "ServerId": 0,		   // SERVER ID
  "UseCenterHtmlMenu": true,	   //If `true`, the menu will be in the center, if `false`, it will be in the chat. Note that if you have another plugin that uses `CenterHtml`, server crashes may occur
  "ServerIP": "", 	   // default ip
  "ServerPort": 27015, 		   // default port
  "ReOpenMenuAfterItemClick": true,//Whether to reopen the menu after selecting an item | true - yes | false - no
  "VipLogging": true,	   	   //Whether to log VIPCore | true - yes | false - no
  "Connection": {
	"Host": 	"host",
	"Database": "database",
	"User": 	"user",
	"Password": "password",
	"Port": 3306


  "Delay": 2.0
  "Groups": {
    "VIP1": {
      "Values": {
        "feature1": value1,
	"feature2": value2

Example Module

using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.Attributes.Registration;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Modules.Commands;
using VipCoreApi;

namespace VIPMyModule;

public class VIPMyModule : BasePlugin
    public override string ModuleAuthor => "Author";
    public override string ModuleName => "[VIP] My Module";
    public override string ModuleVersion => "1.0.0";

    private MyPlugin _myPlugin;

    private IVipCoreApi? _api;
    private PluginCapability<IVipCoreApi> PluginCapability { get; } = new("vipcore:core");

    public override void OnAllPluginsLoaded(bool hotReload)
        _api = PluginCapability.Get();
        if (_api == null) return;

        _api.OnCoreReady += () =>
            _myPlugin = new MyPlugin(this, _api);

    public override void Unload(bool hotReload)

public class MyPlugin : VipFeatureBase
    public override string Feature => "MyFeature";
    private TestConfig _config;

    public MyPlugin(VIPMyModule vipMyModule, IVipCoreApi api) : base(api)
        vipMyModule.AddCommand("css_viptestcommand", "", OnCmdVipCommand);
        _config = LoadConfig<TestConfig>("VIPMyModule");

    public override void OnPlayerSpawn(CCSPlayerController player)
        if (PlayerHasFeature(player))
            PrintToChat(player, $"VIP player - {player.PlayerName} has spawned");

    public override void OnSelectItem(CCSPlayerController player, IVipCoreApi.FeatureState state)
        if (state == IVipCoreApi.FeatureState.Enabled)
            PrintToChat(player, "Enabled");
            PrintToChat(player, "Disabled");
    public void OnCmdVipCommand(CCSPlayerController? player, CommandInfo info)
        if (player == null) return;

        if (IsClientVip(player) && PlayerHasFeature(player))
            PrintToChat(player, $"{player.PlayerName} is a VIP player");

        PrintToChat(player, $"{player.PlayerName} not a VIP player");

public class TestConfig
    public int Test1 { get; set; } = 50;
    public bool Test2 { get; set; } = true;
    public string Test3 { get; set; } = "TEST";
    public float Test4 { get; set; } = 30.0f;


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