Blocks passages if there are not a certain number of players on the server
- Install CounterStrike Sharp, Metamod:Source and ResourcePrecacher
- Download BlockerPasses
- Unzip the archive and upload it to the game server
, !bp_reload
- reloads the configuration(only for @css/root
"Players": 10, // The number of players after which the passes will open
"Message": "...", // A message stating that the passageways are blocked (all the tags are at the bottom)
"Maps": {
"de_mirage": [ // Map name
"ModelPath": "models/props/de_dust/hr_dust/dust_windows/dust_rollupdoor_96x128_surface_lod.vmdl", // Path to the model
"Color": [ 30, 144, 255 ], // RGB color in which the model will be colored
"Origin": "-1600.46 -741.124 -172.965", // Position where the model will be placed
"Angles": "0 180 0" // Which way the model will be turned
"ModelPath": "models/props/de_mirage/small_door_b.vmdl",
"Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"Origin": "588.428 704.941 -136.517",
"Angles": "0 270.256 0"
"ModelPath": "models/props/de_mirage/large_door_c.vmdl",
"Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"Origin": "-1007.87 -359.812 -323.64",
"Angles": "0 270.106 0"
"ModelPath": "models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/chainlink_fence_001/chainlink_fence_001_256_capped.vmdl",
"Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"Origin": "-961.146 -14.2419 -169.489",
"Angles": "0 269.966 0"
"ModelPath": "models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/chainlink_fence_001/chainlink_fence_001_256_capped.vmdl",
"Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"Origin": "-961.146 -14.2419 -43.0083",
"Angles": "0 269.966 0"
], //if you need to add more maps, put a comma. But the last map doesn't need one! (example)
"de_dust2": [
"ModelPath": "",
"Color": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"Origin": "",
"Angles": ""
Colors - {DEFAULT}
, {LIME}
, {RED}
, {GREY}
, {GOLD}
, {BLUE}
- minimum number of players