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Releases: paragonie/phpecc

Version 2.4.0

21 Jan 17:54
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0

Version 2.3.0

01 May 14:06
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Rapid Development Should Be Over For Now

As of v2.3.0, we feel comfortable with the security of PHP ECC, so we removed the ugly notice from the README. So the pace of release should slow down considerably (unless something breaks, of course).

Naturally, this means there are significant changes since v2.2.0. Let's get into them.

EccFactory Rejects Insecure Curves By Default

This is documented in the README, but for the sake of convenience:

The EccFactory class will, by default, only allow you to instantiate secure elliptic curves.
An elliptic curve is considered secure if one or more of the following is true:

  1. If we can depend on OpenSSL to provide its implementation, we will. This is considered secure.
  2. If we have an optimized constant-time implementation, it is secure.
  3. If the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) for the curve has a security level in
    equivalent to less than 120 bits, it is considered insecure. (We do not provide constant-time
    implementations for these curves, so step 2 should already fail these curves.)
  4. Otherwise, it is considered insecure. EccFactory will not allow them by default.

To bypass this guard-rail, simply pass true to the second argument, like so:

use Mdanter\Ecc\EccFactory;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Math\GmpMath;

$adapter = new GmpMath();
// This will throw an InsecureCurveException:
// $p192 = EccFactory::getNistCurves($adapter)->generator192();

// This will succeed:
$p192 = EccFactory::getNistCurves($adapter, true)->generator192();

// This will also succeed, without any special considerations:
$p256 = EccFactory::getNistCurves()->generator256();

This means if you previously followed the examples and used EccFactory to get your elliptic curves, great news! You're protected by default.

Unfortunately, if you were selecting insecure curves for whatever reason, upgrading to v2.3.0 will cause your application to throw an InsecureCurveException now. You can pass true to the second argument of the appropriate static method to disable this guard-rail, but why do that when you could instead use a more secure algorithm?

The choice is ultimately yours. We just have strong opinions on which is the better one.

Added Support for the Brainpool Curves

Not all of them, mind you. Only brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP384r1, and brainpoolP512r1.

(German PHP software developers rejoice! You can now comply with your government's Technical Guideline BSI TR-03111 technical requirements for elliptic curve cryptography with this library.)

Added Secure Factories

While EccFactory seems the be the primary way that other developers were utilizing PHP ECC in their software, we took the liberty of also creating SecureCurveFactory, which extends CurveFactory and throws exceptions if you ask for something insecure.

  • Curves with an ECDLP security of less than 120 bits are always considered insecure.
  • If you do not request our optimized constant-time implementation, your calls to SecureCurveFactory mey still succeed on some environments where ext-openssl can provide secure cryptography. Specifically, PHP 8.1+ with OpenSSL 3.0+ ought to work. Otherwise, it will throw an exception, because insecure cryptography is not tolerated by that API.

We care a lot about misuse resistance and avoiding accidental foot-bullets.

For your convenience, there's also SecureNistCurve, SecureSecgCurve, and even SecureBrainpoolCurve in the same namespace as CurveFactory and SecureCurveFactory.

Version 2.2.0

30 Apr 19:16
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Performance and Security Enhancements

  • Implemented constant-time complete point arithmetic for secp256k1
  • Implemented constant-time complete point arithmetic for NIST P-521
  • PHP 8.2+: most public API parameters are marked as SensitiveParameter
  • PHP 8.1+ with OpenSSL v3+: PHPECC will now prefer OpenSSL if it's available.

To disable OpenSSL for a specific operation, you can call disableOpenssl() on the
Signer, EcDH, or NamedCurveFp classes. To re-enable OpenSSL, the enableOpenssl()
method is provided.

$curve = $bobPublicKey->getCurve();

Note: Due to an issue reported by @mayestik1 in #20 we are no longer specifying a replace
directive in our composer.json for mdanter/ecc,

Version 2.1.0

28 Apr 08:49
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Introduced hardened implementations of NIST P-256 and NIST P-384.

This implementations assumes that bigint multiplication is constant-time. On most hardware, this is a good assumption. BearSSL has good documentation on the hardware where this assumption is false. The odds are good that you're running PHP on hardware that uses constant-time multiplication.

Despite being PHP implementations of constant-time code, the performance hit for using these curves is minimal. There is probably some opportunity for further optimizations.

We do not force the use of our implementation by default, due to the minor performance hit it does have. To use the new code:

  $nistFactory = EccFactory::getNistCurves($adapter);

- $g256 = $nistFactory->generator256($rng);
+ $g256 = $nistFactory->generator256($rng, true);

- $g384 = $nistFactory->generator384$rng);
+ $g384 = $nistFactory->generator384($rng, true);

- $p256 = $nistFactory->curve256();
+ $p256 = $nistFactory->optimizedCurve256();

- $p384 = $nistFactory->curve384();
+ $p384 = $nistFactory->optimizedCurve384();

We will update EasyECC to use this API in the next release.

Version 2.0.1

24 Apr 12:02
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The NVD Description for CVE-2024-33851 is Incorrect.

The vulnerability is present in all versions of mdanter/ecc. If you have not migrated to our fork, you are vulnerable.

CVE-2024-33851 vulnerability was fixed in v2.0.1 of our fork of their code. The wording of the CVE description implies we introduced it. That is incorrect.

See also: our pull request to correct these details.

Original release notes below

Thanks to @xabbuh in #7, we now prevent namespace conflicts by replacing mdanter/ecc in our Composer config.

Security Fixes

Branch-based timing leak in Point addition

All previous versions of PHPECC contained a snippet of code that acted like this (pseudocode):

if ($pointA->x === $pointB->x) {
    if ($pointA->y === $pointB->y) {
        return $pointA->double();    
    } else {
        return $pointA->getCurve()->pointAtInfinity();

This is a textbook branch-based timing side-channel: The point-doubling calculation takes
much longer than returning a point at infinity (which is basically initialized to zero).

To alleviate this, we used a conditional swap. Now the point doubling is always calculated,
and only used if needed.

When both points are public keys, this doesn't leak anything useful to an attacker. However,
this loop is also used in point addition as part of scalar multiplication.

This occurs in two places that may be concerning to PHPECC users:

  1. Shared secret calculation in EcDH
  2. Calculating a public key from a secret key

If an attacker can influence many values for X to match, but Y to differ, they may be able to leak
intermediate values from the Montgomery ladder by observing the runtime of the algorithm.


The current implementation still branches on if X is equal, but doesn't leak whether Y is equal
too. The branch may seem like a risk, but the comparison that leads to the branch is constant-time.
You cannot get a higher resolution viewpoint into the bits or bytes being compared; you only
learn the end result.

Based on this, an attacker has a 1/n chance (where n is the order of the curve) of learning anything
useful. The risk of such leakage is about as high as guessing a random AES key correctly for most

Version 2.0.0

24 Apr 04:30
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Version 2.0.0 is the inaugural release for Paragon Initiative Enterprise's fork of phpecc.

We raised the minimum PHP version to 7.1 in order to make PHP 8.4 support possible.

Security Fixes

ECDSA Canonicalization

We introduced a mechanism for mitigating malleable ECDSA signatures.
This is especially important for cryptocurrency-adjacent projects (which the most popular
users of phpecc are) to prevent double-spend attacks.

The Signer class now takes an optional second boolean argument. Setting this to true will
have two effects:

  1. When signing, if the resulting signature (R, S) has S larger than half the order of the
    elliptic curve group (n), the signature will instead be (R, n - S).
  2. When verifying a signature (R, S), if S is larger than half the order of the elliptic
    curve group, it will return false instead of true, even if the signature is otherwise

We recommend setting the second argument to true, but this may break backwards compatibility
with messages signed with an older or misconfigured library. Therefore, we did not enable it
by default.

Constant-Time Signer

Prior to our fork, when generating a new ECDSA signature, the GMPMath adapter was used.
This class wraps the GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic library (GMP), which does not aim to
provide constant-time implementations of algorithms.

An attacker capable of triggering many signatures and studying the time it takes to perform
each operation would be able to leak the secret number, k, and thereby learn the private key.

EcDH Timing Leaks

Prior to our fork, when calculating a shared secret using the EcDH class, the scalar-point
multiplication was based on the arithmetic defined by the Point class.

Even though the previous version of the library implemented a Montgomery ladder, the add(),
mul(), and getDouble() methods on the Point class were not constant-time. This means
that your ECDH private keys were leaking information about each bit of your private key
through a timing side-channel.

We fixed this by using a ConstantTimeMath implementation for all arithmetic, rather than
relying on GMP's algorithm implementations.

New Features

  • IEEE-P1363 Signature Format
  • ConstantTimeMath, which extends GMPMath and provides constant-time implementations of
    some algorithms needed for elliptic curve cryptography

Migration Guide

Replace mdanter/ecc or phpecc/phpecc in your composer.json with the following:

  "require": {
    /* ... */
    "paragonie/ecc": "^2"
    /* ... */

Run composer update after you have made your changes.

Next, make sure any time your code instantiates a Signer object, set the second
constructor argument to true. Also, consider using ConstantTimeMath for any
code that generates a signature.

+ use Mdanter\Ecc\Math\ConstantTimeMath;

- $signer = new Signer(new GMPMath());
+ $signer = new Signer(new ConstantTimeMath(), true);

Everything else should be a drop-in replacement.