Run SECOND as a ROS Node and publish corresponding custom ROS messages that Autoware IMM_PDA_UKF_Tracker supports
This is a modified and improved version of second_ros using SECOND V1.5 model. It can achieve real time performace on 1080Ti, tested with KITTI rosbag and ouster Lidar data.
Most of the code is from SECOND detector, second_ros, Voxelnet ROS Implementation. Special thanks to @traveller59, @qianguih and cedricxie
mkdir catkin_ws && cd catkin_ws
git clone
catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash
Follow installation and dataset preparation instruction at Notice that if you have rospy installed in Python 3, you can still use rosrun to launch SECOND as a ROS node.
pip install --user rospkg catkin_pkg
Play a rosbag in another terminal and start the ros node.
roslaunch second_ros second_kitt.launch