This repository is part of the 2021 IROS-RSJ Robotic Challenge for Young Students!
- Generate a new repository that uses the participant template:
Use this template
- [optional: only if you generated a private repository]: Give permissions to the
user to read your repository, following: these guidelines - Contact the organizers to add your generated repository to: competitors.txt
Download and install Webots on your computer:
for Windows- Or versions for other OS at:
From a terminal (only once):
git clone
git clone [url_to_the_repo_you_generated] pal-webots-competition-organizer/controllers/participant_controller
Then run the simulation:
webots pal-webots-competition-organizer/worlds/competition1.wbt # you can change `competition1.wbt` for any other map
Once you are satisfied with the result, you can push the changes:
cd pal-webots-competition-organizer/controllers/participant_controller
git add -A
git commit -m "Great improvement"
git push
You can check the results of the competition at: