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pakjiddat committed Jun 14, 2021
1 parent ee9354b commit c83ca0d
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Showing 6 changed files with 2,551 additions and 0 deletions.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions R/data-analyzer.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
#' It is used to analyze text data
#' @description
#' It provides information on text files, such as number of lines
#' and number of words. It allows generating sample file from an input text
#' file. It displays bar plots showing word frequencies.
#' @details
#' It provides a method that returns text file information. The text
#' file information includes total number of lines, max, min and mean line
#' length and file size. It also provides a method that takes random samples of
#' lines in an input text file. It provides a method that reads an input text
#' file containing token frequencies. It displays the most occuring tokens.
DataAnalyzer <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = TextFileProcessor,
public = list(
#' @description
#' It initializes the current object. It is used to set the file name
#' and verbose options.
#' @param file_name The path to the input file.
#' @param line_count The number of lines to read at a time.
#' @param verbose If progress information should be displayed.
initialize = function(file_name = "./data/n1.txt",
verbose = 0) {
# The file name is set
self$file_name <- file_name
# The processed output is initialized
self$p_output <- data.frame()
# The verbose options is set
self$verbose = verbose

#' @description
#' It reads ngram token frequencies from an input text file. The ngram
#' frequencies are then displayed in a bar plot. The type of plot is
#' specified by the type option. 'top_features' displays the top n most
#' occuring tokens along with their frequencies. 'coverage' displays
#' the number of words along with their frequencies.
#' @param opts The options for analyzing the data.
#' type -> The type of plot to display. The options are:
#' 'top_features', 'coverage'.
#' n -> For 'top_features', it is the number of top most occuring
#' tokens.
plot_data = function(opts) {
# The opts is merged with the da_opts attribute
private$da_opts = modifyList(private$da_opts, opts)
# The da_opts is merged with the base class opts attribute
self$opts = modifyList(self$opts, private$da_opts)
# The ngram data is read
df <- self$read_file(self$file_name, T)
# The information message is shown
self$display_msg("Displaying Plot...", 1)
# If the coverage option was specified
if (self$opts[["type"]] == "coverage") {
# The y values
y <- as.character(1:self$opts[["n"]])
# The x values
x <- numeric()
# The percentage frequencies is calculated
for (i in 1:self$opts[["n"]]) {
# The percentage of tokens with frequency i
x[i] <- round(100*(nrow(df[df$freq == i,])/nrow(df)), 2)
# A data frame is created
df <- data.frame("freq" = x, "pre" = y)
# The plot labels
labels <- list(
y = "Percentage of total",
x = "Word Frequency",
title = "Coverage")

# The chart is plotted
private$display_plot(df, labels)
# If the top_features option was specified
else if (self$opts[["type"]] == "top_features") {
# The plot labels
labels <- list(
y = "Frequency",
x = "Feature",
title = paste("Top", self$opts[["n"]], "Features"))

# The chart is plotted
private$display_plot(df, labels)

#' @description
#' Generates and returns information about the given text files.
#' @param file_list The list of text files to check.
#' @return A data frame containing the overall file statistics.
get_file_info = function(file_list = list()) {
# If the file list is empty, then the file name passed to the
# current objet is used.
if (length(file_list) == 0)
file_list = list(self$file_name)

# Empty list. Used to store information about each file
stats <- data.frame(
"total_line_count" = 0,
"max_line_length" = 0,
"min_line_length" = 0,
"mean_line_length" = 0,
"total_size" = 0)
# Temporary variables for calculating max, min, mean line length
temp_max <- temp_min <- temp_mean <- 0

# For each file in the list
for (file_name in file_list) {
# The file is read
lines <- self$read_file(file_name, F)

# The file stats are updated
stats["total_size"] <-
stats["total_size"] + file.size(file_name)
stats["total_line_count"] <-
stats["total_line_count"] + length(lines)

# The temporary variables are updated
temp_max <- max(nchar(lines))
temp_min <- min(nchar(lines))
temp_mean <- mean(nchar(lines))

if (temp_max > stats["max_line_length"])
stats["max_line_length"] <- temp_max
if (temp_min > stats["min_line_length"])
stats["min_line_length"] <- temp_min
if (temp_mean > stats["mean_line_length"])
stats["mean_line_length"] <- round(temp_mean)
# The total size is formatted
stats["total_size"] <- utils:::format.object_size(
stats["total_size"], "auto")

# The required data is returned

#' @description
#' It generates training, testing and validation data sets
#' from the given input file. It first reads the file given as a
#' parameter to the current object. It generates random indexes for the
#' data. It partitions the data into training, testing and validation
#' sets, according to the given parameters. The files are named
#' train.txt, test.txt and va.txt. The files are saved to the given
#' output folder.
#' @param dir The name of the output folder.
#' @param percs The size of the training, testing and validation sets.
generate_data = function(dir, percs) {
# The information message is shown
"Generating training, testing and validation data sets...", 1)
# If the train, test and validation files already exist
if (file.exists(paste0(dir, "/train.txt")) &&
file.exists(paste0(dir, "/test.txt")) &&
file.exists(paste0(dir, "/validate.txt"))) {
# The information message
msg <- "The train, test and validate files already exist"
# The information message is shown
self$display_msg(msg, 1)
else {
# The input file is read
data <- self$read_file(self$file_name, F)
# The number of lines in the data
lc <- length(data)
# Random indexes are generated
indexes <- sample(1:lc, lc)
# The randomized data
rd <- data[indexes]
# The training set data
train_ds <- rd[1:round(lc*percs[["train"]])]
# The testing set data
test_ds <- rd[1:round(lc*percs[["test"]])]
# The validation set data
validate_ds <- rd[1:round(lc*percs[["validate"]])]
# The training data is written to file
self$write_file(train_ds, paste0(dir, "/train.txt"), F)
# The testing data is written to file
self$write_file(test_ds, paste0(dir, "/test.txt"), F)
# The validation data is written to file
self$write_file(validate_ds, paste0(dir, "/validate.txt"), F)

#' @description
#' Returns the given number of ngrams and their
#' frequencies. If the prefix parameter is not given, then the ngrams
#' are randomly chosen. Otherise ngrams starting with the given regular
#' expression are returned.
#' @param fn The ngram file name.
#' @param c The number of ngrams to return.
#' @param pre The ngram prefix, given as a regular expression.
get_ngrams = function(fn, c = NULL, pre = NULL) {
# The data is read
df <- self$read_obj(fn)
# If the prefix is not given
if (is.null(pre)) {
# The sample indexes
i <- sample(1:nrow(df), c)
# The ngram samples
s <- df[i,]
else {
# The ngram samples
s <- df[grepl(pre, df$pre), ]

private = list(
# @field da_opts The options for data analyzer object.
# type -> The type of plot to display. The options are:
# 'top_features', 'coverage'.
# n -> For 'top_features', it is the number of top most occuring
# tokens.
da_opts = list(
"type" = "top_features",
"n" = 10

# @description
# Displays a plot using ggplot2. The plot is a horizontal
# bar plot filled with red. It has the given labels and main title
# @param df The data to plot. It is a data frame with prefix and freq
# columns.
# @param labels The main title, x and y axis labels
display_plot = function(df, labels) {
# The freq column is converted to numeric
df$freq <- as.numeric(df$freq)
# The pre column is converted to character
df$pre <- as.character(df$pre)
# The data frame is sorted in descending order
df <- (df[order(df$freq, decreasing = T),])
# The top n terms are extracted
df <- df[1:self$opts[["n"]], ]
# The ngram names and their frequencies are plotted
g <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = reorder(pre, freq), y = freq)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "red") +
ggtitle(labels[["title"]]) +
coord_flip() +
ylab(labels[["y"]]) +

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