This project implements the APIs to enable the functionalities implemented in the IO app. The APIs are called by the app backend. The implementation is based on the Azure Functions v4 runtime.
The project is structured as follows:
Install the Azure Functions Core Tools.
Install the dependencies:
$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
Create a file local.settings.json
in your cloned repo, with the
following contents:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"MESSAGE_CONTAINER_NAME": "message-content",
"AssetsStorageConnection": "<ASSETS_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING>",
"SUBSCRIPTIONS_FEED_TABLE": "SubscriptionsFeedByDay"
"ConnectionStrings": {}
$ yarn start
The server should reload automatically when the code changes.
If you are trying to run the docker images on your local environment (through the docker-compose) you must set the following variables in the local.settings.json
- AzureWebJobsStorage
- QueueStorageConnection
- AssetsStorageConnection With this connection string as value:
- DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=http://azurite:10000/devstoreaccount1;QueueEndpoint=http://azurite:10001/devstoreaccount1;TableEndpoint=http://azurite:10002/devstoreaccount1;
The connection string has a default value needed to connect to Azurite, a local emulator used to provide a free local environment for testing an Azure Blob, Queue Storage, and Table Storage application. As for docker-compose instructions, the Azurite docker image runs the Blob service on port 10000, the Queue service on port 10001 and the Table service on port 10002. If Azurite is executed on different address or ports, the connection string must be changed according to the service.
These must be the other variables values for the local.settings.json
- COSMOSDB_URI=https://cosmosdb:3000/
- COSMOSDB_KEY=dummykey
The COSMOSDB_URI must be the address of the cosmos db instance specified in the docker-compose.yml file while the COSMOSDB_KEY and COSMOSDB_NAME could be totally randomic.
Then, copy .env.example
to .env
and fill the variables with the following mandatory variables:
- LogsStorageConnection=connection string
- EventsQueueStorageConnection=connection string
The connection string is the same used for the AzureWebJobsStorage in the local.settings.json
Then you can run docker-compose up -d
to start the containers.
An email applier is a generated ts file that contains an apply
function, exposing all the parameters needed by the template. See loginNotification
as example.
NOTE: The function should return {{TEMPLATE}}
string, that will be override with the email template.
To create a new email template applier we first need to add the email template to repository io-app-email-templates and fork it into io-messages-email-templates.
After the template is ready:
- add new applier template in
folder. It need - add new
script in package.json. The script needs the following parameters:- template name, as defined in
repo - the tag version of
repo - the applier template path
- the target path of generated code
- template name, as defined in