The contents of this library are provided for informational purposes only. It represents the current product offerings and practices from Amazon Web Services (AWS) as of the date of issue of this document, which are subject to change without notice. Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this document and any use of AWS products or services, each of which is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. This document does not create any warranties, representations, contractual commitments, conditions, or assurances from AWS, its affiliates, suppliers, or licensors. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers.
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This collections of files is provided as an example framework for customers to create, develop, and integrate security playbooks in preparation for potential attack scenarios when using AWS services.
Diese Dateisammlung wird als Beispiel für Kunden bereitgestellt, um Sicherheits-Playbooks zu erstellen, zu entwickeln und zu integrieren, um sich auf mögliche Angriffsszenarien bei der Nutzung von AWS-Services vorzubereiten. Spielbücher auf Deutsch befinden Sie hier
Esta colección de archivos se proporciona como un marco de ejemplo para que los clientes creen, desarrollen e integren guías de seguridad a fin de prepararse para posibles situaciones de ataque al utilizar los servicios de AWS. Los libros de jugadas en español se encuentran aquí
Ces collections de fichiers sont fournies à titre d'exemple de cadre permettant aux clients de créer, de développer et d'intégrer des playbooks de sécurité en vue de scénarios d'attaque potentiels lors de l'utilisation des services AWS. Les playbooks en français se trouvent ici
このファイルのコレクションは、AWS のサービスを使用する際の潜在的な攻撃シナリオに備えて、セキュリティプレイブックを作成、開発、統合するためのフレームワークの例として提供されています。日本のプレイブックはこちら
这些文件集是作为示例框架提供的,供客户创建、开发和集成安全行动手册,为使用 AWS 服务时的潜在攻击场景做好准备。中文剧本位于此处
Before we get into the details: We want your help. No, really.
There may be a little voice inside your head that is telling you that you're not ready to contribute to playbooks; that your skills aren't nearly good enough to contribute. What could you possibly offer a project like this one? We assure you -- the little voice in your head is wrong. If you can write code at all or have experience with incident response, then we need your contributions! Writing perfect playbooks isn't the measure of a good responder (that would disqualify all of us!); it's trying to create something, making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes. That's how we all improve.
We've provided a clear playbook creation guide. This outlines the process that you'll need to follow to get a playbook developed and approved for use with Ziplines. By making expectations and process explicit, we hope it will make it easier for you to contribute. And you don't just have to write code. You can help out by writing documentation, tests, or even by giving feedback about this work. (And yes, that includes giving feedback about everything in this README)
- Compromised IAM Credential(s)
- Denial of Service / Distributed Denial of Service
- Inappropriate Public Resources: S3)
- Inappropriate Public Resources: RDS)
- Unauthorized Network Changes
- Simple Email Service Compromise
- Identifying Exposure of CodeCommit
- Analyzing VPC Flow Logs with AWS Athena
- Assisted Log Enabler for AWS: Assisted Log Enabler for AWS is for customers who do not have logging turned on for various services, and lack knowledge of best practices and/or how to turn them on.
- AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap: AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap enables customers to perform security investigations on AWS service logs by providing an Amazon Athena analysis environment that's quick to deploy, ready to use, and easy to maintain.
- EC2 Forensics
- AWS Cloud Adoption Framework
- AWS Incident Response Blogs
- AWS Security Incident Response Guide Wiki
- AWS Security Incident Response Guide Downloadable
- AWS Security Reference Architecture (AWS SRA)
- AWS Shared Responsibility Model
- AWS Well Architected Resources
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file.
The sample code within this documentation is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE-SAMPLECODE file.