This is the official SDK for Hyperledger Indy, which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity. The major artifact of the SDK is a c-callable library; there are also convenience wrappers for various programming languages.
All bugs, stories, and backlog for this project are managed through Hyperledger's Jira in project IS (note that regular Indy tickets are in the INDY project instead...). Also, join us on Jira's Rocket.Chat at #indy-sdk to discuss.
Builded binaries can be downloaded from
- ubuntu/{master,stable,rc} - Ubuntu deb packages
- windows/{master,stable,rc} - Windows zip-archive with all required DLLs (include libindy itself) and headers
- windows/deps/ - Windows zip archive with dependencies (DLLs and headers) to build libindy from sources
- ios/stable/ - Pods for iOS
- rhel/{master,stable,rc} - RHEL rpms