This repository is no longer used and is just preserved for reference purposes.
Check out for more information.
Install stuff
export PATH=/home/buckett/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin:$PATH
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev bundler nodejs
bundle install
To run:
dashing start
To define a dashing service on boot, update the variables in dashboard
and then
sudo cp dashboard /etc/init.d
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dashboard
sudo update-rc.d dashboard defaults
The following environment variables should be set for it to run smoothly
- RT Tickets - Open Today, Closed Today
- - Parse WebLearn Status.
- github commits today - Github API
- jira issues closed - Jira API
- jenkins build status
The widget polls every 30 seconds for updates, but to test layout and colour you can manually send some data with:
echo '{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "data": { "groups": [ {"id": "weblearn", "status_name": "Down"} ] } }' |curl -d @- http://localhost:3030/widgets/status
It would be better if the data was parsed(serverside) so we knew how long is had been at a particular status.
The AFS quota widget is updated by a script run through cron that checks the quota usage and posts the data off. To mock this use something like:
curl -d "{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "current": "80" }" http://localhost:3030/widgets/quota.afs