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Merge pull request #1 from OLSF/main
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ownyrd authored Aug 4, 2022
2 parents 7b8548a + 4161831 commit 48c15c9
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Showing 282 changed files with 6,782 additions and 29,066 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions .gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,5 @@
*.txt text
*.yml text

# Use Rust syntax highlighter for Move and Move IR code
*.move linguist-language=Rust
*.mvir linguist-language=Rust
# Use Move syntax highlighter for Move IR code
*.mvir linguist-language=Move
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/integration.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ jobs:
- name: MINING
run: RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache SOURCE_PATH=./ make -f ol/integration-tests/ test

# run: RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache SOURCE_PATH=./ make -f ol/integration-tests/ test

- name: ONBOARD
run: RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache SOURCE_PATH=./ make -f ol/integration-tests/ test
- name: File permissions
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,4 +64,5 @@ key_store.json

# prevent mv files from being committed
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

131 changes: 63 additions & 68 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,16 +28,15 @@ CARGO_ARGS = --release
# testnet automation settings
ifeq (${TEST}, y)
REPO_NAME = dev-genesis
MNEM = $(shell cat ol/
MNEM = $(shell cat ol/fixtures/mnemonic/${NS}.mnem)
CARGO_ARGS = --locked # just keeping this from doing --release mode, while in testnet mode.

# Registration params
REMOTE = 'backend=github;repository_owner=${GITHUB_USER};repository=${REPO_NAME};token=${DATA_PATH}/github_token.txt;namespace=${ACC}'

GENESIS_REMOTE = 'backend=github;repository_owner=${REPO_ORG};repository=${REPO_NAME};token=${DATA_PATH}/github_token.txt;namespace=${ACC}'
GENESIS_REMOTE = 'backend=github;repository_owner=${REPO_ORG};repository=${REPO_NAME};token=${DATA_PATH}/github_token.txt;namespace=${ACC};branch=master'

LOCAL = 'backend=disk;path=${DATA_PATH}/key_store.json;namespace=${ACC}'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ install: mv-bin bin-path
cp -f ${SOURCE}/target/release/onboard ${USER_BIN_PATH}/onboard

@if (cat ~/.bashrc | grep '~/bin:') ; then \
@if (cat ~/.bashrc | grep ${USER_BIN_PATH}) ; then \
echo "OK .bashrc correctly configured with PATH=~/bin" ; \
else \
echo -n "WARN Your .bashrc doesn't seem to have ~/bin as a search path. Append .bashrc with PATH=~/bin:$$PATH ? (y/n) " ; \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,8 +229,9 @@ gen-register:
@echo OPER send signed transaction with configurations for *OWNER* account
ACC=${ACC}-oper OWNER=${ACC} IP=${IP} make reg

@echo Making pull request to genesis coordination repo
make gen-make-pull
# TODO: implement the forking workflow for dev genesis?
# @echo Making pull request to genesis coordination repo
# make gen-make-pull

echo ${MNEM} | head -c -1 | cargo run -p diem-genesis-tool -- init --path=${DATA_PATH} --namespace=${ACC}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ verify-gen:
--validator-backend ${LOCAL} \
--genesis-path ${DATA_PATH}/genesis.blob

genesis: stdlib
cargo run -p diem-genesis-tool ${CARGO_ARGS} -- files \
--chain-id ${CHAIN_ID} \
--validator-backend ${LOCAL} \
Expand All @@ -309,10 +309,6 @@ start:
# run in foreground. Only for testing, use a daemon for net.
RUST_LOG=error cargo run -p diem-node -- --config ${DATA_PATH}/validator.node.yaml

# Start a fullnode instead of a validator node
cargo run -p diem-node -- --config ${DATA_PATH}/fullnode.node.yaml

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp ./ol/util/diem-node.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,18 +397,16 @@ ifdef TEST
cp ./ol/devnet/set_layout_test.toml ${DATA_PATH}/set_layout.toml

cp ./ol/devnet/genesis/${V}/genesis.blob ${DATA_PATH}/
cp ./ol/devnet/genesis/${V}/genesis_waypoint ${DATA_PATH}/

#### HELPERS ####
@if test -f ${DATA_PATH}/key_store.json; then \
jq -r '. | with_entries(select(.key|match("-oper/waypoint";"i")))[].value' ${DATA_PATH}/key_store.json > ${DATA_PATH}/client_waypoint; \
jq -r '. | with_entries(select(.key|match("-oper/genesis-waypoint";"i")))[].value' ${DATA_PATH}/key_store.json > ${DATA_PATH}/genesis_waypoint; \
jq -r '. | with_entries(select(.key|match("-oper/genesis-waypoint";"i")))[].value' ${DATA_PATH}/key_store.json > ${DATA_PATH}/genesis_waypoint.txt; \

cargo r -p ol -- init --update-waypoint --waypoint $(shell cat ${DATA_PATH}/client_waypoint)

@echo client_waypoint:
@cat ${DATA_PATH}/client_waypoint

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,71 +444,65 @@ debug:
make smoke-onboard <<< $$'${MNEM}'

##### DEVNET TESTS #####
#### TESTNET #####
# The testnet is started using the same tools as genesis to have a faithful reproduction of a network from a clean slate.

devnet: clear fix dev-wizard dev-genesis start
# runs a smoke test from fixtures.
# Uses genesis blob from fixtures, assumes 3 validators, and test settings.
# This will work for validator nodes alice, bob, carol, and any fullnodes; 'eve'
# 1. The first thing necessary is initializing testnet genesis validators. All genesis nodes need to set up environment variables for their namespace/personas e.g. NS=alice. Also the TEST=y mode must be set, as well as a chain environment e.g. NODE_ENV=test. These settings must be done manually, preferably in .bashrc

dev-join: clear fix fix-genesis dev-wizard
# REQUIRES MOCK GIT INFRASTRUCTURE: OLSF/dev-genesis OLSF/dev-epoch-archive
# see `devnet-archive` below
# We want to simulate the onboarding/new validator fetching genesis files from the mock archive: dev-genesis-archive
# 2. Next those validators will register config data to a github repo OLSD/dev-genesis. Note: there could be github http errors, if validators attempt to write the same resource simultaneously

# mock restore backups from dev-epoch-archive
rm -rf ~/.0L/restore
# restore from MOCK archive OLSF/dev-epoch-archive
cargo r -p ol -- restore
# start a node with fullnode.node.yaml configs
make start-full
# THESE STEPS ARE ACHIEVED WITH `make testnet-register`

# REQUIRES there is a genesis.blob in the fixtures/genesis/<version> you are testing
MNEM='${MNEM}' cargo run -p onboard -- val --prebuilt-genesis ${DATA_PATH}/genesis.blob --skip-mining --chain-id 1 --genesis-ceremony
# 3. Wait. All genesis nodes need to complete registration. Otherwise buidling a genesis.blob (the first block), will fail.
# 4. Each genesis node builds the genesis file locally, and submits to the github repo. (this remote genesis file is what subsequent non-genesis validators will use to bootstrap their db).
# 5. Genesis validators can start their nodes.

# usually do this on Alice, which has the dev-epoch-archive repo, and dev-genesis

# Do the ceremony: and also save the genesis fixtures, needs to happen before fix.
dev-register: clear fix dev-wizard gen-register
# Do a dev genesis on each node after EVERY NODE COMPLETED registration.
dev-genesis: genesis dev-save-genesis fix-genesis

#### DEVNET INFRA ####
# To make reproducible devnet files.
# 6. Assuming there is progress in the block production, subsequent validators can join.

# Save the files to mock infrastructure i.e. devnet github
dev-infra: dev-backup-archive dev-commit
# THIS IS ACHIEVED WITH: testnet-onboard

dev-save-genesis: set-waypoint
rsync -a ${DATA_PATH}/genesis* ${SOURCE}/ol/devnet/genesis/${V}/
git add ${SOURCE}/ol/devnet/genesis/${V}/

cd ${HOME}/dev-epoch-archive && make devnet-backup
#### 1. TESTNET SETUP ####

git commit -a -m "save genesis fixtures to ${V}" | true
git push | true
testnet-init: clear fix
# REQUIRES there is a genesis.blob in the fixtures/genesis/<version> you are testing
MNEM='${MNEM}' cargo run -p onboard -- val --skip-mining --chain-id 1 --genesis-ceremony

# Do the genesis ceremony registration, this includes the step testnet-validator-init-wizard
testnet-register: testnet-init gen-register
# Do a dev genesis on each node after EVERY NODE COMPLETED registration.

# Makes the gensis file on each genesis validator, AND SAVES TO GITHUB so that other validators can be onboarded after genesis.
testnet-genesis: genesis set-waypoint
cargo run -p diem-genesis-tool ${CARGO_ARGS} -- create-repo \
--publish-genesis ${DATA_PATH}/genesis.blob \
--shared-backend ${GENESIS_REMOTE}

cargo run -p diem-genesis-tool ${CARGO_ARGS} -- create-repo \
--publish-genesis ${DATA_PATH}/genesis_waypoint.txt \
--shared-backend ${GENESIS_REMOTE}

#### 2. TESTNET START ####

# Do this to restart the network with new code. Assumes a registration has been completed, and the genesis validators are unchanged. If new IP addresses or number of genesis nodes changed, you must RERUN SETUP below.
# - builds stdlib from source
# - clears many of the home files
# - adds fixtures
# - initializes node configs
# - rebuids genesis files and shares to github genesis repo
# - starts node in validator mode
testnet: clear fix testnet-init testnet-genesis start

# For subsequent validators joining the testnet. This will fetch the genesis information saved
testnet-onboard: clear fix
MNEM='${MNEM}' cargo run -p onboard -- val --github-org OLSF --repo dev-genesis --chain-id 1
# start a node with fullnode.node.yaml configs
cargo r -p diem-node -- -f ~/.0L/fullnode.node.yaml

TAG=$(shell git tag -l "previous")
git push origin --delete ${TAG}
git tag -d ${TAG}

@echo WIPING EVERYTHING but keeping: github_token.txt, autopay_batch.json, set_layout.toml, /vdf_proofs/proof_0.json

@if test -d ${DATA_PATH}; then \
cd ${DATA_PATH} && cp github_token.txt autopay_batch.json set_layout.toml vdf_proofs/proof_0.json ~/; \
cd ${DATA_PATH} && rm -rf *; \
cd ~ && cp github_token.txt autopay_batch.json set_layout.toml ${DATA_PATH}; \
cd ${DATA_PATH} && mkdir vdf_proofs;\
cd ~ && cp proof_0.json ${DATA_PATH}/vdf_proofs/; \

####### SWARM ########

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,6 +554,13 @@ fork-config:
cargo run -p onboard -- fork -u --prebuilt-genesis ${DATA_PATH}/genesis_from_snapshot.blob

# start node from files
rm -rf ~/.0L/db
cargo run -p libra-node -- --config ~/.0L/validator.node.yaml

##### UTIL #####
TAG=$(shell git tag -l "previous")
git push origin --delete ${TAG}
git tag -d ${TAG}

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion config/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "diem-config"
version = "5.1.2"
version = "5.1.3"
authors = ["Diem Association <[email protected]>"]
description = "Diem diem-config"
repository = ""
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions config/global-constants/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,18 +35,17 @@ pub const PROOF_OF_WORK_PROOF: &str = "pow_proof";
pub const ACCOUNT_PROFILE: &str = "account_profile";
pub const SALT_0L: &str = "0L";
pub const SOURCE_DIR: &str = "libra/";
pub const VDF_SECURITY_PARAM: u16 = 512;
pub const GENESIS_VDF_SECURITY_PARAM: u64 = 512;

/// Filename for 0L configs
pub const CONFIG_FILE: &str = "0L.toml";
pub const DEFAULT_VAL_PORT: u64 = 6180;
pub const DEFAULT_VFN_PORT: u64 = 6179;
pub const DEFAULT_PUB_PORT: u64 = 6178;

// TODO: make this lazy static.
/// Switch settings between production and testing
pub fn delay_difficulty() -> u64 {
pub fn genesis_delay_difficulty() -> u64 {
let node_env = match env::var("NODE_ENV") {
Ok(val) => val,
_ => "prod".to_string() // default to "prod" if not set
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion config/management/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "diem-management"
version = "5.1.2"
version = "5.1.3"
authors = ["Diem Association <[email protected]>"]
description = "Diem Management is a tool used to manage the configuration of a Diem Node"
repository = ""
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions config/management/genesis/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ serde_json = "1"
diem-github-client = { path = "../../../secure/storage/github" }
ol-types = {path = "../../../ol/types"}
serde_yaml = "0.8.17"
base64 = "0.13.0"

diem-config = { path = "../..", features = ["fuzzing"]}
Expand Down

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