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Kirby WhatsApp Button

Ahmet Bora edited this page Sep 15, 2022 · 1 revision

This is a very simple floating WhatsApp button plugin for Kirby 3.



  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unzip downloaded file
  3. Copy/paste unzipped folder in your /site/plugins folder


You can use sample basic snippet of plugin:

<?php snippet('whatsapp-button') ?>


The default values of the package are:

Option Type Default Description
enabled bool|closure true Enable/disable the button
phone string Whatsapp number (required)
position string right Button position (left-right)
showBadge bool true Enable/disable badge of button
countBadge int 1 Badge text of button
timeoutBadge int 1500 Badge delay time (ms)
alwaysOpen bool false Sets chat window whether to be always on
alwaysOpenTimeout int 2500 After the specified time (ms), chat window will always open
autoOpen bool true Chat window opens automatically
autoOpenTimeout int 5000 After the specified time (ms), the chat window opens automatically
doNotDisturb bool false When enabled chat window will not open automatically on every page load
name string Site title Shows your/site name in the header of the chat window
avatar string Placeholder of site title Show your/site image in the header of the chat window
status string online Show status text under the name
showStatus bool true Enable/disable the status text
messages string|array Hello, how can we help you? Preloaded messages when the chat window is opened
placeholder string Type here... Placeholder of input in the chat window
defaultMessage string Hello Text to be sent to WhatsApp API if user leaves input blank

All the values can be updated in the config.php file and prefixed with owebstudio.whatsapp-button.

Sample options


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'owebstudio.whatsapp-button' => [
        'phone' => '4912345678',

Conditional button


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'debug' => true,
    'owebstudio.whatsapp-button' => [
        'phone' => '4912345678',
        'enabled' => function () {
            // enabled only weekdays and 08:00-17:00
            return date('N') <= 5 && date('G') >= 8 && date('G') <= 17;

Multiple messages


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'debug' => true,
    'owebstudio.whatsapp-button' => [
        'phone' => '4912345678',
        'messages' => [
            'Welcome to our site!', 
            'How can I help you?'

Overwrite options on fly

    snippet('whatsapp-button', ['options' => [
        'name' => 'John Doe', 
        'phone' => '4912345678'