Tests a complete OpenStack deployment for various functionalities
- Make the following variables available through your shell:
OS_USERNAME -- Username to authenticate to the OpenStack API
OS_PASSWORD -- plain text password for the user account
OS_TENANT_NAME The "project" or tenant under which the test instances will be created. Make sure you have permissions and resources to create m1.small instances and one single free public ip.
OS_AUTH_URL -- URL where OpenStack API lives. something like https://openpower-openstack.testing.osuosl.org:5000/v2.0
OS_REGION_NAME -- The region where the instances should be created.
OS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY -- Path to the private key of the pair to access these created instances using ssh.
OS_PUBLIC_SSH_KEY -- Path to the public key of the keypair which will be put in the instances once they are created
OS_SSH_KEYPAIR -- Name under which the public key is already saved in the OpenStack Key Pairs.
All variables are mandatory.
Once they are set, make sure to install all the depedencies.
$ gem build openstack_taster.gemspec $ gem install openstack_taster-*.gem
Now you can run
. This will create, test, and destroy instances using all the images and volumes available to the user and log everything inside logs/${FQDN of Openstack controller you are testing on}. Each run will create a directory named after the session id and inside that you will find a log file for each image that you are testing.
If you would like to contribute to this project, but wonder how to do it or what things you could work on, please consult the CONTRIBUTING.md
in the openstack_taster
root directory.
The developers hangout on #osuosl
Freenode IRC channel and can be contacted at [email protected]