This repository is the primary software entry point for Oklahoma State University's first entry into the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC). The software stack for Joyride is based on ROS2 - Foxy. It utilizes Navigation2 as its primary navigation stack, with custom packages to implement other functionality.
This is a work-in-progress autonomy stack, missing significant functionality
The repository is organized in the following manner:
- joyride
- joyride_bringup
- joyride_control
- joyride_interfaces
- joyride_hmi
- joyride_interfaces
- joyride_localization
- joyride_perception
- joyride_ros2_socketscan
- joyride_servers
- joyride_test
- joyride_vectornav
- mbtiles holder
- old
- sensors
- third_party
A metapackage describing the overall system's dependencies.
A package that contains launch files used for launching various different funtions of the car
Holds the velocity preprocessor and simple_go_to_pose test controller. Once more "controllers" are tested they will be added here once finished.
Holds ROS message and action definitions. Used to maintain consistency across packages.
Human-machine interface nodes. Joystick control and the onboard graphical user interface (GUI).
Holds ros message publisher for gps localization and transform.
Perception systems - computer vision, SLAM nodes, estimation, etc.
Holds Drive-By-Wire system diagnostics, CAN communication, and control software. Repository is Private since Allied Motions requires a signed NDA to access Electronic Power Steering software information.
Holds "servers" that manage system-wide operation. For example, the usb-link-node is here, which converts and transmits messages over USB to the drive by wire system.
A package that was made for a structured outdoor test; can be repurposed for future testing instead of working out of joyride_bringup
Can provide IMU data at up to 400Hz. Requires some careful configuration within the vectornav node's YAML. Namely, minimize data being transferred.
- rateDivisor = 1 (send at frequency of 400Hz/1Hz = 400Hz)
- commonField = 0x0ff0 (only send specific data types)
- asyncMode = 1 (only send to serial 1)
Contains code from before the workspace was converted to ROS 2 humble
Containes gps maps of given areas. tracked through git lfs as gps files exceed github file size limit of 100 Mb
Sensor driver nodes. LIDAR, GPS, cameras, and more form third party sources.
To launch minimal functionality of joyride for outdoors
ros2 launch joyride_bringup
To launch minimal functionality of joyride for indoors
ros2 launch joyride_bringup
For visual of cameras and other ros data
For ROS2 message debugging and message filtering
ros2 run rqt_console rqt_console