- Gallery and How To Play (DONE) page - ANDREW
- Express Handlebars - ANDREW
- Colors and Clear - JACOB NGUYEN (DONE)
- Save drawing, author, and title - JACOB(WORKING PROTOYPE)
- 404 page - ADNREW (DONE)
- Displaying the drawings - JACOB
- Seperate JS files
- Timer (custom time) - ADNREW
- Search function (title, author) - JEFF (search using name and title)
New Tasks:
- Fix JS
- Get Images saved
- Figure out how to get the images into a from so templates could be used
- Get the images to work on the Gallary and the recent secton of Home
How to run locally
- 'npm run install'
- if needed, 'npm audit' and 'npm audit fix'
- 'npm run build'
- 'npm run start'
- in browser, go to 'localhost:8000'