This repository contains several classification models on MXNet/Gluon and PyTorch and scripts for trainig/converting models. All models are designed for using with ImageNet-1k dataset.
All models/scripts are on Python. Tested on Python 2.7 and 3.6.
If you only want to use models:
mxnet >= 1.2.1
If you want also training models:
gluoncv >= 0.2.0
torch >= 0.4.1
torchvision >= 0.2.1
- ResNet ('Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition')
- PreResNet ('Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks')
- DenseNet ('Densely Connected Convolutional Networks')
- CondenseNet ('CondenseNet: An Efficient DenseNet using Learned Group Convolutions')
- DarkNet ('Darknet: Open source neural networks in c')
- SqueezeNet ('SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and <0.5MB model size')
- SqueezeNext ('SqueezeNext: Hardware-Aware Neural Network Design')
- ShuffleNet ('ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices')
- ShuffleNetV2 ('ShuffleNet V2: Practical Guidelines for Efficient CNN Architecture Design')
- MENet ('Merging and Evolution: Improving Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Applications')
- MobileNet ('MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications')
- FD-MobileNet ('FD-MobileNet: Improved MobileNet with A Fast Downsampling Strategy')
- MobileNetV2 ('MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks')
Some remarks:
- All pretrained models can be downloaded automatically during use (use the parameter
). - Top1/Top5 are the standard 1-crop Top-1/Top-5 errors (in percents) on the validation subset of the ImageNet1k dataset.
- ResNet/PreResNet with b-suffix is a version of the networks with the stride in the second convolution of the bottleneck block. Respectively a network without b-suffix has the stride in the first convolution.
- ResNet/PreResNet models do not use biasses in convolutions at all.
- CondenseNet models are only so-called converted versions.
Model | Top1 | Top5 | Params | FLOPs | Remarks |
ResNet-10 | 37.09 | 15.55 | 5,418,792 | 892.62M | Training (log) |
ResNet-12 | 37.62 | 15.56 | 5,492,776 | 1,124.23M | 1-stage training (log) |
ResNet-14 | 36.17 | 14.52 | 5,788,200 | 1,355.64M | 1-stage training (log) |
ResNet-16 | 33.57 | 12.50 | 6,968,872 | 1,586.95M | 1-stage training (log) |
ResNet-18 x0.25 | 53.13 | 27.77 | 831,096 | 136.64M | 1-stage training (log) |
ResNet-18 x0.5 | 38.94 | 16.46 | 3,055,880 | 485.22M | 1-stage training (log) |
ResNet-18 | 29.13 | 9.94 | 11,689,512 | 1,818.21M | Training (log) |
ResNet-34 | 25.34 | 7.92 | 21,797,672 | 3,669.16M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-50 | 23.50 | 6.87 | 25,557,032 | 3,868.96M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-50b | 22.92 | 6.44 | 25,557,032 | 4,100.70M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-101 | 21.66 | 5.99 | 44,549,160 | 7,586.30M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-101b | 21.18 | 5.60 | 44,549,160 | 7,818.04M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-152 | 21.01 | 5.61 | 60,192,808 | 11,304.85M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-152b | 20.54 | 5.37 | 60,192,808 | 11,536.58M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-18 | 29.45 | 10.29 | 11,687,848 | 1,818.41M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-34 | 25.88 | 8.11 | 21,796,008 | 3,669.36M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-50 | 23.39 | 6.68 | 25,549,480 | 3,869.16M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-50b | 23.16 | 6.64 | 25,549,480 | 4,100.90M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-101 | 21.45 | 5.75 | 44,541,608 | 7,586.50M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-101b | 21.73 | 5.88 | 44,541,608 | 7,818.24M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-152 | 23.00 | 6.34 | 60,185,256 | 11,305.05M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-152b | 21.00 | 5.75 | 60,185,256 | 11,536.78M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-121 | 25.11 | 7.80 | 7,978,856 | 2,852.39M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-161 | 22.40 | 6.18 | 28,681,000 | 7,761.25M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-169 | 23.89 | 6.89 | 14,149,480 | 3,381.48M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-201 | 22.71 | 6.36 | 20,013,928 | 4,318.75M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=4) | 26.82 | 8.64 | 4,773,944 | 533.64M | From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log) |
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=8) | 29.76 | 10.49 | 2,935,416 | 278.55M | From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log) |
SqueezeNet v1.0 | 42.81 | 19.98 | 1,248,424 | 828.30M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
SqueezeNet v1.1 | 43.06 | 20.23 | 1,235,496 | 354.88M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) | 46.11 | 22.37 | 654,516 | 40.64M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) | 45.80 | 21.93 | 750,796 | 43.58M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) | 35.03 | 13.99 | 1,806,568 | 148.93M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) | 34.49 | 13.90 | 1,888,240 | 146.11M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) | 31.17 | 11.41 | 3,368,128 | 306.31M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) | 34.70 | 13.75 | 2,272,872 | 151.03M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) | 29.57 | 10.43 | 5,304,784 | 560.72M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
MobileNet x0.25 | 48.37 | 24.10 | 470,072 | 42.30M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x0.5 | 37.37 | 15.37 | 1,331,592 | 152.04M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x0.75 | 32.71 | 12.28 | 2,585,560 | 329.22M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x1.0 | 29.25 | 10.03 | 4,231,976 | 573.83M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
FD-MobileNet x0.25 | 56.73 | 31.99 | 383,160 | 12.44M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
FD-MobileNet x0.5 | 44.66 | 21.08 | 993,928 | 40.93M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
FD-MobileNet x1.0 | 35.95 | 14.72 | 2,901,288 | 146.08M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.25 | 48.89 | 25.24 | 1,516,392 | 32.22M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.5 | 35.51 | 14.64 | 1,964,736 | 95.62M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.75 | 30.82 | 11.26 | 2,627,592 | 191.61M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x1.0 | 28.51 | 9.90 | 3,504,960 | 320.19M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
Model | Top1 | Top5 | Params | FLOPs | Remarks |
ResNet-10 | 37.46 | 15.85 | 5,418,792 | 892.62M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-12 | 38.02 | 15.89 | 5,492,776 | 1,124.23M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-14 | 36.50 | 14.84 | 5,492,776 | 1,355.64M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-16 | 33.73 | 12.87 | 6,968,872 | 1,586.95M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-18 x0.25 | 53.37 | 28.06 | 831,096 | 136.64M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-18 x0.5 | 39.31 | 16.79 | 3,055,880 | 485.22M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-18 | 29.52 | 10.21 | 11,689,512 | 1,818.21M | Converted from GL model (log) |
ResNet-34 | 25.66 | 8.18 | 21,797,672 | 3,669.16M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-50 | 23.79 | 7.05 | 25,557,032 | 3,868.96M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-50b | 23.05 | 6.65 | 25,557,032 | 4,100.70M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-101 | 21.90 | 6.22 | 44,549,160 | 7,586.30M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-101b | 21.45 | 5.81 | 44,549,160 | 7,818.04M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-152 | 21.26 | 5.82 | 60,192,808 | 11,304.85M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
ResNet-152b | 20.74 | 5.50 | 60,192,808 | 11,536.58M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-18 | 29.76 | 10.57 | 11,687,848 | 1,818.41M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-34 | 26.23 | 8.41 | 21,796,008 | 3,669.36M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-50 | 23.70 | 6.85 | 25,549,480 | 3,869.16M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-50b | 23.33 | 6.87 | 25,549,480 | 4,100.90M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-101 | 21.74 | 5.91 | 44,541,608 | 7,586.50M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-101b | 21.95 | 6.03 | 44,541,608 | 7,818.24M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-152 | 23.20 | 6.53 | 60,185,256 | 11,305.05M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
PreResNet-152b | 21.34 | 5.91 | 60,185,256 | 11,536.78M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-121 | 25.57 | 8.03 | 7,978,856 | 2,852.39M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-161 | 22.86 | 6.44 | 28,681,000 | 7,761.25M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-169 | 24.40 | 7.19 | 14,149,480 | 3,381.48M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
DenseNet-201 | 23,10 | 6.63 | 20,013,928 | 4,318.75M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=4) | 26.25 | 8.28 | 4,773,944 | 533.64M | From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log) |
CondenseNet-74 (C=G=8) | 28.93 | 10.06 | 2,935,416 | 278.55M | From ShichenLiu/CondenseNet (log) |
SqueezeNet v1.0 | 41.91 | 19.58 | 1,248,424 | 828.30M | Converted from TorchVision (log) |
SqueezeNet v1.1 | 41.82 | 19.38 | 1,235,496 | 354.88M | Converted from TorchVision (log) |
108-MENet-8x1 (g=3) | 43.92 | 20.76 | 654,516 | 40.64M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
128-MENet-8x1 (g=4) | 43.95 | 20.62 | 750,796 | 43.58M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
228-MENet-12x1 (g=3) | 33.57 | 13.28 | 1,806,568 | 148.93M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
256-MENet-12x1 (g=4) | 33.41 | 13.26 | 1,888,240 | 146.11M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
348-MENet-12x1 (g=3) | 30.10 | 10.92 | 3,368,128 | 306.31M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
352-MENet-12x1 (g=8) | 33.31 | 13.08 | 2,272,872 | 151.03M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
456-MENet-24x1 (g=3) | 28.40 | 9.93 | 5,304,784 | 560.72M | From clavichord93/MENet (log) |
MobileNet x0.25 | 49.13 | 24.93 | 470,072 | 42.30M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x0.5 | 38.12 | 15.99 | 1,331,592 | 152.04M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x0.75 | 33.54 | 12.85 | 2,585,560 | 329.22M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNet x1.0 | 29.86 | 10.36 | 4,231,976 | 573.83M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
FD-MobileNet x0.25 | 55.77 | 31.32 | 383,160 | 12.44M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
FD-MobileNet x0.5 | 43.85 | 20.72 | 993,928 | 40.93M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
FD-MobileNet x1.0 | 34.70 | 14.05 | 2,901,288 | 146.08M | From clavichord93/FD-MobileNet (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.25 | 49.72 | 25.87 | 1,516,392 | 32.22M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.5 | 36.54 | 15.19 | 1,964,736 | 95.62M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x0.75 | 31.89 | 11.76 | 2,627,592 | 191.61M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |
MobileNetV2 x1.0 | 29.31 | 10.39 | 3,504,960 | 320.19M | Converted from Gluon Model Zoo (log) |