Code to estimate dispersal rates and locate genetic ancestors from genome-wide genealogies. Associated with the paper, Osmond & Coop 2024:
Formerly referred to as sparg, but that name is now reserved for inferring spatial histories from full ancestral recombination graphs (
Here is how to get set up and run spacetrees, from the command-line:
- Clone this directory,
git clone
. - Move into this directory,
cd spacetrees
. - Install Python v3.11.5 ( On my server we can do this with
module load NiaEnv/2022a python/3.11.5
. May also work with similar versions. - Create virtual environment,
python -m venv venv
. Make sure you are using the correct version of Python to do this. - Activate virtual environment,
source venv/bin/activate
. - Install Python packages,
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Install tsconvert, which isn't available via pip.
git clone
. This was v0.1.dev57+g057435c for me, June 7, tsconvert
pip install .
- move back to the main working directory,
cd -
- Install Relate. I used v1.2.1. See for more info and options.
- On my server I downloaded the source code with
git clone
on June 7, 2024. This is roughly version 1.2.1. - Move into the Relate directory,
cd relate/build
.- On my server I had to load these tools to build relate,
module load cmake/3.22.5 gcc/11.3.0
. cmake ..
- On my server I had to load these tools to build relate,
- move back to the main working directory,
cd -
- On my server I downloaded the source code with
- Run spacetrees via snakemake
- you should now be able to estimate dispersal and locate genetic ancestors with spacetrees via snakemake! simply write
snakemake all -c1
in the command line (-c1 indicates 1 thread, use more if you have them, but this example should run in less than a minute or two with -c1) - TODO: lots more detail needed about how to customize your options within Snakefile
- TODO: show how to do this when you have multiple chromosomes
- you should now be able to estimate dispersal and locate genetic ancestors with spacetrees via snakemake! simply write
- Plot
- make virtual environment accessible in Jupyter notebook with
python -m ipykernel install --name $myenv --user
- TODO: some may need to install Jupyter?
- open the Jupyter notebook plots.ipynb. I do this through my server's JupyterHub,
- run the code (command+enter to execute a cell)
- make virtual environment accessible in Jupyter notebook with
- Get in touch!
- I'd love to hear if you are using this software, have any suggested improvements, or need any help: [email protected]