This is a sample only, not validated for production use cases
1. It get the KVL HLS endpoint and pass to the function 2. Origin endpoint is the replace by the KVS endpoint
install serverless
npm install -g serverless
1. edit the file serverless and set your profile, if default, comment the line all files is inside the folder LambdaEdge
cd LambdaEdge/
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221
# profile: def
2. replace the arn of the channel / stream
var params = {
3. deploy the lambda
serverless deploy
4. in the aws console, deploy to your cloudfront distribution as a lambda@edge Follow the step 7 of this instructions The original origin can be anything, including blank.
Cloudfront reference funcitons
Please note: this is a reference code
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