yarn add @rehooks/component-size
import { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import useComponentSize from '@rehooks/component-size'
function MyComponent() {
const [imgElem, setImageElem] = useState(null);
// callback ref to ensure re-render when ref is set, as per React docs
// https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#how-can-i-measure-a-dom-node
let ref = useCallback(elem => {
if (elem !== null) {
}, [])
let size = useComponentSize(imgElem)
// size == { width: 100, height: 200 }
let { width, height } = size
let imgUrl = `https://via.placeholder.com/${width}x${height}`
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}>
<img ref={ref} src={imgUrl} />
If it is present, this library uses the recent ResizeObserver
API to
determine if an element's content size has changed.
If a browser does not have the ResizeObserver
API present, then this library
falls back to listening on window size changes, which is less efficient and does
not listen for changes to the component's size due to other factors like content
changes. If it is not present, you can use pass a ResizeObserver
implementation into the useComponentSize()
hook (see below).
Browser support is pretty good in Chrome, but is still missing support in other major browsers.
You can import a ResizeObserver ponyfill with this NPM library:
yarn add resize-observer-polyfill
Then use it with the useComponentSize()
import ResizeObserver from 'resize-observer-polyfill'
// ...
useComponentSize(ref, { ResizeObserver });
If you are using Webpack (or similar) you could use dynamic imports, to load the Polyfill only if needed. A basic implementation could look something like this:
function getResizeObserver() {
if (
'ResizeObserver' in global &&
'ResizeObserverEntry' in global &&
'contentRect' in ResizeObserverEntry.prototype
) {
return Promise.resolve(ResizeObserver);
return import('resize-observer-polyfill');
And in your component:
const [ResizeObserverApi, setResizeObserverApi] = setState();
useEffect(() => {
let cancelled = false;
getResizeObserver().then(observer => {
if (!cancelled) {
return () => {
cancelled = true;
}, []);
useComponentSize(ref, { ResizeObserver: ResizeObserverApi });