Ultimathnum 0.6.0
What hasn't changed? Wait, there's a new module too!?
- Various API and non-API changes (0.y.z).
- #41 Make DoubleInt great again!
- #40 New BitCountable protocol
- #38 Miscellaneous 0.6.0 stuff
- #37 Order and Signedness enums (no protocols)
- #36 Flush shifts greater than IX.max
- #35 No masking shift requirements
- #34 Mark all infinite-by-finite divisions as errors
- #32 Generic shift operations
- #31 Pointer-bit binary integer bit counts
- #30 Rework lsb/msb stuff
- #29 Optional DataInt.Body elements
- #27 DataInt.Body/isEmpty
- #23 StdlibIntKit