Ultimathnum 0.10.0
On the road to swift-testing.
- Various API and non-API changes (0.y.z)
- #107 Count as BinaryInteger-esque
- #105 Divider as Guarantee
- #102 Unified: BinaryInteger/hashValue
- #100 Add: more T/description
- #98 Add: CoreInteger
- #97 Use: swift-testing (1st half)
- #94 Remove: integer literal as Signum
- #93 Remove: integer literal as Bit
- #90 No superfluous overloads
- #89 Add: Contiguous
- #88 Improve: BinaryInteger/advanced(by:)
- #86 Count rather than Count<T>
- #85 Miscellaneous 0.10.0 stuff
- #25 Add: integer from floating-point