No more wasting time making flashcards for your exam tomorrow. Simply upload your notes as text or a PDF file and get your flashcards in an instant.
The process of making flashcards have largely remained the same for decades - Manually writing the questions and then the answers on it flipside. With the power of Natural Language Processing, Ruff automates this process to save hours and hours of tedious busywork.
- Technology stack: Python, NLTK, spaCy, Streamlit, React
- Status: Initial Version Almost Complete. After implementing animated flashcards, ready for hosting.
- Python
- Streamlit
- NTLK - Punkt Sentence Tokenizer
- spaCy - en_core_web_sm
- React
Upload your notes as text in the text box provided or as a PDF file in the dedicated upload bar below. You will receive your flashcards below without any additional work.
Flashcards implemented have not been animated yet. In the process of using React components to implement a bidirectional Flashcard component.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
Get in touch with the development team:
We are currently trying to implement animated flashcards in the webpage using bi-directional Streamlit components. React components are required for this purpose and we would appreciate any help for implementing this.
As we move on with this project, we are planning to implement downloading of flashcards along with user login features and saving flashcards in personal accounts. Check out how you can CONTRIBUTE to our project.
Anki, the flashcard making software used by millions, is our major inspiration for Ruff. Their clean UI and functionality will be a tough act to follow.