This repository contains documentation of mechanicals tools dedicated to daily life use: suitable tools to practice music, sports, cooking, etc!
For now you will find :
- a guitar pick holder 3D printed
- a tennis ball holder 3D printed
These tools can be used with the ORTHOPUS' universal mechanical wrist.
The versions of our solutions reproduced with Do It Yourself technics will not be CE marked. It can only be applied to solutions developed and sold by ORTHOPUS which follow the applicable regulations. ORTHOPUS cannot guarantee the “quality” of solutions replicated by third parties thanks to documentation shared on github.
Required components: To make your own Pick Holder, you will need a 3D printer, a guitar pick, a Tool Holder 3D printed (Making Manual) and some basics screws (you will find a detailed list of equipment in the Making Manual)
How to make your own: you can make the Pick Holder for ~2€: more details in the Bill of Material shown below and available with clickable links here.
To make your own Pick Holder, follow the Making Manual.
Required components: To make your own Tennis Ball Holder, you will need a 3D printer, a metal saw, a Tool Holder 3D printed (Making Manual) and some basics screws (you will find a detailed list of equipment in the Making Manual).
How to make your own:
You can make the Tennis Ball Holder for ~2.5€: more details in the Bill of Material shown below and available with clickable links here.
To make your own Tennis Ball Holder, follow the Making Manual.
Your contribution to the Tennis Ball Holder v2.0 and the Pick Holder v2.0 is welcome!
- Have you discovered a bug or you have an improvement ideas ?
- Go to the GitHub issues of the project.
- You have time, some Maker skills and you want to help us ?
- If you need to make some modifications, our Fusion 360 source files are available on request, don’t hesitate to ask us!
- Read the CONTRIBUTING file to help us to upgrade this project
- Read the CODEOFCONDUCT file to know community standards
If you wish to contact us, you can send a message to [email protected]