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My First Astro Project

Astro Blog

Take a look at the Production Demo

💾 Initial Config:

> Minimal starter kit
> Typescript base

🚀 Project Structure

Inside my Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│    └── images/
│    └── stack/
├── data/
│    └── navData.js
│    └── siteData.js
├── js/
│    └── nav.js
│    └── jsonLD.js
│    └── utils.js
├── src/
│    └─ components/
│         └── nav.astro
│         └── aside.astro
│         └── categoryCloud.astro
│         └── postHeader.astro
│         └── postBody.astro
│         └── postShare.astro
│         └── pagination.astro
│         └── footer.astro
|────── layouts/
│         └── MainLayout.astro
│         └── CardLayout.astro
│         └── PostLayout.astro
|────── pages/
│         └── index.astro
│         └── about.astro
│         └── contact.astro
│         └── 404.astro
│         └── blog.astro
|────── styles/
│         └── global.scss
└── package.json

🧞 How i make this project

Characteristics of this project

Characteristic Description
styles All styles are written in scss syntax whitin the astro files except the global styles file. > npm install sass
routing Astro includes it's own routing api based on folder structure
SEO All SEO and OG: structure is based on Coding In Public scripts. He is one of many Astro project's "embassador", I highly recommend to follow him

🤓 Want to learn more?

Look at the official Documentation

Get into the Discord Server, people are very active there.

Follow Astro build on Twitter to be aware of the news.

For blog administration look at the Tina + Astro documentation

Tina is a very easy to set up Headless CMS wich is usually use as admin panel for Markdown files, if you know a little bit about JavaScript OOP it'll be very easy to tailoring.


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