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Aditya Bharambe ShinigamiRyuk47


Tejal Ashwini Barnwal tejalbarnwal
Junior Robotics Engineer | GSoC@ Open Robotics | Mechanical Engg, IIT Bombay


Yimou Wu yimouwu
CSE @ CUHK Shenzhen & UC Berkeley
Avineesh Sathyakumar Avineesh28
Final Year Student at VIT, Vellore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering with Spec in IoT. Currently working on enhancing my Software Developement skills.

IEEE Computer Society - VIT Student Chapter Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Scott this-scott
Computer Cowboy searching for discovery and adventure. Fastest fingers in the wild Western PA with a keyboard on his hip 🤠


Mukul Ganwal FanFeast
Perception Engineer | Robotics and AI Enthusiast | MS at CMU | Building smarter systems one model at a time 🚀

Anyware Robotics | CMU Sunnyvale, CA

Sophia the-soph-ia
Xiang (Shawn) Fei EdgarFx
MS in Robotics 26' @ CMU RI

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

Dayi Ethan Dong dayiethan
Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley in Dr. Mehr's ICON Lab

gdut China

Vatsala Nema NemaVatsala
EECS Senior at IISER Bhopal pursuing a Data Science Minor

IISER Bhopal Bangalore, India

Rocky_ RockyXRQ
FRC mentor and alumni in team 8214 Cyber Unicorn

@FRCNextInnovation Hongkong

Zejian Huang ZejianHuang

Carnegie Mellon University

R Kavin Kailash Kavin-Kailash
Aerospace Engg. undergrad from IIT Madras with specialisation in Robotics.
Haoyu Shen shenhayi
Mechanical Engineering MSc @ CMU SUSTech Robotics Undergraduate

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA