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Decentralized NPM Registry

POC of decentralized NPM that runs on blockchain



  1. Launch gamma server: npm run gamma:start
  2. Deploy contracts: npm run gamma:deploy:owners
  3. Interact with the cli: npm run cli -- <action>

Supported Actions

Below is the list of supported actions. It specifies primary and secondary actions with parameters, if applicable.

E.g. npm run cli -- owner add react 0x123456779101213141

Primary Action Secondary Action Description
login Login creates a .npmrc with configuration or registry and user keys.
owner Owner commands allow to interact with the list of owners per package.
ls <packageName> Lists of all owners for corresponding packageName.
add <packageName> <userAddress> Adds the specified userAddress of a new user as an owner to the specified packageName
rm <packageName> <userAddress> Removes the specified userAddress from the list of owners of specified packageName


Unit tests npm test

It runs all tests using jest including integration tests with gamma server.

Notice! Tests that are using gamma, due to its performace of start/stop of docker, are currently stateful, meaning that if you are changing the state of a contract, it persists to other tests in a suite.

Coverage npm run test:coverage

It will run tests and generate coverage report.




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