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@changtengfei changtengfei released this 16 Jun 16:08
· 1402 commits to develop since this release

This release contains code built specifically for the for the ETSI 6TiSCH F-Interop Plugtests, 14-15 July 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Details about the plugtest are at

The code consist of:

golden image


To compile and download the golden image onto the OpenMote-CC2538:

scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc goldenImage=root bootload=<port_name> oos_openwsn

Alternatively, the pre-compiled binary is available at

Use the following command to load that image into your OpenMote-CC2538:

openwsn-fw/> bootloader\OpenMote-CC2538\ -e -w -b 115200 -p [port name] --bsl 03oos_openwsn_prog.bin


Use the OpenVisualizer in CLI mode to configure the golden image:

  • navigate to opewsn-sw/software/openvisualizer/
  • scons runcli

These are the supported configuration commands:

  • PHY-layer commands
    • set the communication channel
      • set <port_name> channel <value>
  • IEEE802.15.4e commands
    • set the timeout which the device send a keepAlive(value in slots)
      • set <port_name> kaPeriod <value>
    • set the period at the which the device sends enhanced beacons (value in seconds)
      • set <port_name> ebPeriod <value>
    • set the slotframe length
      • set <port_name> frameLength <value>
    • enable/disable link-layer ACK'ing (set value to 1 to enable, 0 to disable)
      • set <port_name> ackReply <value>
    • set the slot duration (value is 32768Hz ticks, i.e. 30.5 us increments)
      • set <port_name> slotDuration <value>
  • 6P commands
    • issue a 6P add command to add 1 tx cells among several candidate cells(set celllist to 6-7-8 for slotoffset 6, 7 and 8 -- channeloffset is always 2). To add rx, or shared cell, just replace tx by rx or shared.
      • set <port_name> 6pAdd tx,1,<celllist>
    • issue a 6P delete command to delete all specified cells (set celllist to 6-7 for slotoffset 6 and 7 -- channeloffset is always 2)
      • set <port_name> 6pDelete tx,2,<celllist>
    • issue a 6P relocate command to relocate cells from celllist 1 by cells in :
      • set <port_name> 6pRelocate tx,1,<celllist1>,<celllist2>
    • issue a 6P count command to count the number of tx cell:
      • set <port_name> 6pCount tx
    • issue a 6P list command to list 2 tx cell starting from cell 5 :
      • set <port_name> 6pList tx,5,2
    • issue a 6P clear command to clear all cells:
      • set <port_name> 6pClear all
    • enable/disable 6P response (set value to 1 to enable, 0 to disable)
      • set <port_name> 6pResponse <value>
  • RPL commands
    • set the period at the which the device sends DIOs (value in milli-seconds)
      • set <port_name> dioPeriod <value>
    • set the period at the which the device sends DAOs (value in milli-seconds)
      • set <port_name> daoPeriod <value>
    • set the DAGrank of the device:
      • set <port_name> dagrank <value>
  • app-layer commands
    • set period of the uinject application (value in number of packets per slotframe)
      • set <port_name> sf0Bandwidth <value>



To compile and download the sniffer firmware on the OpenMote-CC2538:

scons board=OpenMote-CC2538 toolchain=armgcc bootload=[port name] oos_sniffer

Alternatively, the pre-compiled binary is available at

Use the following command to load that image into your OpenMote-CC2538:

openwsn-fw/> bootloader\OpenMote-CC2538\ -e -w -b 115200 -p [port name] --bsl 03oos_sniffer_prog.bin

The sniffer firmware interacts with the Wireshark with:


Use the OpenVisualizer to configure the golden image:

  • navigate to opewsn-sw/software/openvisualizer/
  • scons runweb

These are the supported configuration commands:

  • set the comunication channel
    • set <port_name> channel <value>


The OpenWSN project is to to provide open-source implementations of a complete protocol stack based on Internet of Things standards, on a variety of software and hardware platforms.