running at
🏃 this is a running example of the <yaxp ⚡> Yet Another XSD Parser project
<xsd ⚡> convert
Takes in an xsd schema and tranforms to arrow, avro, duckdb, json, json representation of spark schema, jsonschema, polars. WIP: pandas and protobuf.
📌 Note: Because it's a client side application, it runs completely locally. No data is sent to any server, nor is anything logged.
Written in rust with leptos.
Compiled to webassembly using trunk.
Served behind openresty.
Running on raspberry pi.
You'll need a few things to get going. And an additional step if you're on Apple Silicon.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
cargo install --locked trunk
wasm toolchain
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Apple Silicon: llvm (not xcode)
brew install llvm
Then add the following to your shell profile:
(verify the path with
brew info llvm
)export PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH
Run the thing
trunk serve
Then open your browser to http://localhost:3000 (see the Trunk.toml file to modify and more options).
You can also use the --open flag to open the browser automatically.
trunk serve --open
Build the thing
trunk build --release
- Input from file
- Copy to clipboard icon
- pandas and protobuf
- Syntax highlighting
- Input validation
- Save output to file
- timestamp overrides for timezone/unit (ms, µs, ns)
- option to lowercase column names