A React Component that allows you to construct ODRL licence offers in json-ld format.
Acronym | Description |
ODRL | Open Digital Rights Language |
A full example can be found in the example directory.
Start by installing the offer-generator via npm:
npm install offer-generator --save
The offer-generator package provides two main components:
- OfferGenerator: The main building tool for constructing an ODRL offer.
- JsonLDViewer: A helper component that can be used to display the json-ld constructed by the offer builder
Both use bootstrap components and class names. For details on how to customise the css please refer to the Bootstrap documentation.
This is the main building tool for constructing an ODRL offer.
{OfferGenerator} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
<OfferGenerator />
Pass a function to call when the button is clicked. The function will receive the json-ld offer as a parameter. Use this function to retrieve the end result offer, and process it as needed.
- Type: function
- Required: yes
- Default: undefined
{OfferGenerator} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
onCreate={(json) => {this.setState({json: json})}}
This controls the text that is displayed on the main creation button of the builder.
- Type: string
- Required: no
- Default: 'Generate Offer'
{OfferGenerator} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
buttonText='Save Offer'
This provides a default assigner id for the offer builder. If provided then the assigner will be displayed but will not be editable within the builder.
- Type: string
- Required: no
- Default: undefined
{OfferGenerator} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
This provides an initial offer to populate the offer builder with on initialisation.
- Type: json-ld object
- Required: no
- Default: undefined
{OfferGenerator} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
{JsonLdViewer} = require('offer-generator');
class Component extends React.Component {
render: function () {
return (
Pass the json ld to display.
- Type: json-ld object
- Required: yes
- Default: undefined
The UI is implemented completely in JavaScript using
Download & install node & npm or use your package manager of choice e.g.
brew install node
npm install
npm run build
Either run this
cd example
npm install
npm run build
- Remove node_modules sub-directory from example directory.
- In example/src/index.js, change
{OfferGenerator, JsonLdViewer} = require('offer-generator');
{OfferGenerator, JsonLdViewer} = require('../../src');
- In top level directory either run this
npm run build-example
or this, if you require automatic rebuild of the bundle whenever there are file changes
npm run build-example:watch
You need a web server to serve index.html. We recommend you use python's HTTP Server e.g:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
You should be able to view the application at http://localhost:8000.
Unit tests are written using mocha, which can be run with
npm test
The offer-viewer has been published to npm under the OpenPermissions account. To publish a new version, increase the version number in package.json and run
npm publish ./