Releases: openefsa/catalogue-browser
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.15
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.14
Merge pull request #12 from pstampernas-efsa/master July 31st, 2023 changes
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.12
Update of Catalogue Browser to use OpenJDK.
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.11
-------------- What's new in this version:
New feature, when application starts open a browser window in home page wiki
-------------- Changes in the previous versions:
Check the official wiki page for further information
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.10
-------------- What's new in this version:
- New application, updated with the latest log4j version (currently 2.17.1).
-------------- Changes in the previous versions:
- Check the official wiki page for further information
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.9
-------------- What's new in this version:
- BR10 is no triggered if adding F01 or F02
- fixed bug on which terms were not always searchable in current hierarchy
- fixed bug that caused the crash while cloning/updating the ICT database (after a catalog update)
- fix bug with term name field allowing multiple lines in term property
- updated all project's libraries with Maven
- fixed bug that caused the user to be recognized as catalogue manager if logged in with openapi
- new "force remove" function for cat. managers (allows to remove a catalogue from db even if in reserve mode)
- optimised the printing of the term label (dismissed/non reportable)
- fixed bug "can edit" for catalogue managers
-------------- Changes in the previous versions:
- Check the official wiki page for further information
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.8
-------------- What's new in this version:
- Updated BRs data file
- Different changes to the Business rules
- Added option for not restoring last selected term
- Added fix multiple screens issue
- Added Reinstall ICT option
-------------- Bugs fixed and other improvements:
- Optimisations to the Term properties tab
- Optimisations to the Options panel
- Fixed bug causing the check of the code twice
- Pick-list null after update
- Param not opening describe
- Br-engine not turned on in some cases
- Term's attribute null from param impl facets
-------------- Changes in the previous versions:
- Check the official wiki page for further information
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.7
--- New Features:
- This version contains mainly bugs fixed
--- Bugs fixed and other improvements:
- Fixed bug in which was not possible to add facets to specific facet groups
- Fixed Catalogue title not shown properly in small screens
- Fixed business rules warnings not shown properly because of the presence of delimiters
- Changed TEXT widget to LINK one in order to allow the links in the changelog
- New folder organisation for resources, tests and licenses
- New source code structure following Maven standard
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.5
Different improvements to the core of the software as well as for the user interface and other changes correlated with the simultaneous usage of the interpreting and checking tool.
EFSA Catalogue Browser v1.2.4
With the latest version of the Catalogue browser (version 1.2.4) we have applied significant changes related to the user interface and some internal algorithms.
As requested by different users, in the FoodEx2(MTX) catalogue it will now be possible to search for a food term, while the describe or search window is open This offers the possibility to navigate the system, while the user is attempting to describe a certain food. Another improvement applied to the software is the ability to automatically recognise the parent term in a facet group. The algorithm has been designed as to be able to automatically remove the parent term present in the facet group in case one or more children of it are added by the user. Furthermore, a new window is now implemented in the browser. This window appears automatically when an update of the Catalogue browser occurs informing the users about the new functionalities. Finally, certain bugs of the core software have been fixed.