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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Bug 💀
Bug :skull:
Dependabot - GitHub Actions
Dependabot - GitHub Actions
DO NOT MERGE :rage1:
DO NOT MERGE :rage1:
documentation 📄
documentation :page_facing_up:
good first issue 👶
good first issue :baby:
Easy task, perfect if you don't have much experience with the project
help welcome 💕
help welcome :two_hearts:
PRs are welcome! Just comment in the issue saying you are working on it
linters 💎
linters :gem:
Rubocop related
priority ⏩
priority :fast_forward:
question ❔
question :grey_question:
Needs discussion
Refactoring 🔧
Refactoring :wrench:
Search 🔍
Search :mag:
Related to the search function.
UI 👀
UI :eyes: