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Tool chain design specification

Cecile Braunstein edited this page Nov 15, 2013 · 3 revisions


There will be one top-level Eclipse project that defines the openETCS tool, using the following artifacts:

org.openetcs.releng.product - the name of the top-level project - a target definition containing all required components
openetcs.product - a product definition for building the tool

Components will follow the following convention:

  • The component name as a unique identifier (e.g. DataDictionary, without a space and uppercase)
  • The package name below open.openetcs (same as above, but all lowercase)
  • The Namespace URI in the Ecore model (e.g.

The other projects are organized and named like typical Eclipse/EMF projects. For instance, for the DataDictionary Component, there would be the following projects:



Each component has its own wiki page, if the component is a pre-existing tool, at least a link to its documentation should be provided.

For each Component, there is a page containing:

  • Short description of the component
  • Link to the data model (if any).
  • Links to all Cross-Cutting-Concerns (if any)
  • List of all use cases that this Component helps to realize.
  • Additional requirements and constraints that are not captured elsewhere.

If a Component requires a data model that does not exist yet, the data model link directs to the design document for the data model.

Here an example from the DataDictionary component

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