Releases: open-oceans/pyspotter
Simple CLI for SofarOcean API
SofarOcean is creating one of the largest commercial ocean observation grids with its smart buoys (spotters) & smart mooring. Spotter delivers high-fidelity, real-time wave, wind, and temperature data from anywhere. Sofar is also focused on providing this dataset to researchers and users of the data and this tool was an attempt to simple parse spotter information. They also have an official client for doing many of these functions which can be found here sofar-api-client-python. You can also find their indepth API and documentation here
This tool is an attempt to parse out some of the basic functionalities of the API including but not limited to tool like authentication protocols, token reset, and data export for easy use in other platforms like google earth engine.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial tool. Is not licensed or endorsed by SofarOcean. It is created and maintained by Samapriya Roy.
pyspotter -h
usage: pyspotter [-h] {readme,auth,reset,devlist,spot-check,spot-data,snapshot,snapshot-latest} ...
Simple CLI for Sofarocean API
positional arguments:
readme Go to the web based pyspotter cli readme page
auth Authenticates and saves your API token
reset Regenerates your API token
devlist Print lists of devices available under your account
spot-check Spot check a Spotter location and time
spot-data Export Spotter Data based on Spotter ID & grouped by date
snapshot Saves the last 14 day data for a single or global spotters
snapshot-latest Saves the latest wind/wave data from global spotters
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Updated spot-data tool to handle variable key,value pairs
- Added global snapshot tool for 14 day export for global spotters
- Added global latest snapshot tool for global spotters
- Added a readme tool for users to read the latest docs
- Updated docs and general improvements to the overall tool
- added sea surface temperature parsing for spot data
- minor general improvements
- added spot id to spot data export and metadata
- gracefully handles missing data and better error handling
- general improvements
Simple CLI for SofarOcean API
SofarOcean is creating one of the largest commercial ocean observation grids with its smart buoys (spotters) & smart mooring. Spotter delivers high-fidelity, real-time wave, wind, and temperature data from anywhere. Sofar is also focused on providing this dataset to researchers and users of the data and this tool was an attempt to simple parse spotter information. They also have an official client for doing many of these functions which can be found here sofar-api-client-python. You can also find their indepth API and documentation here
This tool is an attempt to parse out some of the basic functionalities of the API including but not limited to tool like authentication protocols, token reset, and data export for easy use in other platforms like google earth engine.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial tool. Is not licensed or endorsed by SofarOcean. It is created and maintained by Samapriya Roy.
pyspotter -h
usage: pyspotter [-h] {auth,reset,devlist,spot-check,spot-data} ...
Simple CLI for Sofarocean API
positional arguments:
auth Authenticates and saves your API token
reset Regenerates your API token
devlist Print lists of devices available under your account
spot-check Spot check a Spotter location and time
spot-data Export Spotter Data based on Spotter ID & grouped by date
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- added sea surface temperature parsing for spot data
- minor general improvements
- added spot id to spot data export and metadata
- gracefully handles missing data and better error handling
- general improvements
- added spot check tool to get latest info about spotter
- spot data now exports CSV after grouping by date
- general improvements
- added time zone parser from spotter lat long
- now prints UTC and local time for spotter
- pretty prints output