- Switch all versions back to ldid since the root cause of it not working on 15.5+ was that the ldid binary hosted on my GitHub wasn't signed with the new CoreTrust bug.... So ldid works on all versions now and that should fix all app crashing issues now (Make sure you update ldid to v2.1.5-procursus7-new in settings)
Notes from 2.0.0:
Uses ChOma library for MachO parsing (not in the best state right now but it works for applying the bypass :D): https://github.com/opa334/ChOma
Big thanks to @alfiecg24 for providing the bypass and helping with automating it using ChOma and @TheRealClarity for some minor contributions to ChOma.
For early installing: If you can manage to replace a removable system app with PersistenceHelper_Embedded (using MDC / kfd), then reboot the device and run it afterwards, the replaced app can be used to install TrollStore.