An open source interface for the CCN bonding pool protocol
- createFunding - Miner create a bonding contract
- addPromoter - Add a new promoter
- deletePromoter - Remove a promoter
- promoterCount - Number of promoters
- promoterList - List of the promoters
- funderCount - Total number of stakers in the bonding contract
- funderList - List of the stakers in the bonding contract
- getFunderInfo - Get the staker information
- getFundersInfo - Get stakers infomation in batch
- getFundingInfo - Get the bonding contract information
- getFundingState - Get the bonding contract status. 0 -> Funding has not started yet. 1 -> early terminated. 2 -> publish. 3 -> start mining. 4 -> mining is over.
- getMachineOnFundingInfo - Get the staking amount of a machine.
- getRewardsAmount - Get the total reward and locked reward of a staker.
- getUnlockedAmount - Get the unlocked reward of a staker.
- payFunding - Put stake in a bonding contract.
- submitOneMachine - Add a machine to a bonding contract.
- submitMachine - Add machines to a bonding contract in a batch.
- terminateOneMachine - Remove manchines from a bonding contract.
- terminateMachines - Remove machines from a bonding contract in a batch.
- transferFundsToMachine - Transfer the stake in the pool to a machine.
- transferFundsToMachines - Transfer the stake in the pool to machines in a batch.
- withdrawAmount - Stakers or promoter withdraw unlocked funds from the pool.