Thanks for taking a look at my assignment!
The project has three components:
Under data/Apps.json there is the json file that's functioning as the "DB". This is expected to be an array of various apps following the sample schema
The back-end component server.js routes/api.js routes/apps.js
This component primarily uses express. Once "npm install" has been run, the component can be run with "npm start", this will start the service the component is reachable at http://localhost:3000/api and supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
The front-end component components/AppList.vue components/AppSingle.vue components/NavBar.vue composables/getApp.js composables/getApps.js router/index.js views/AppCreate.vue views/AppDetails.vue views/AppSearch.vue views/AppUpdate.vue views/HomeView.vue App.vue main.js
This is a Vue component. The component can be run with "npm run serve", and will be reachable at http://localhost:8080
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build