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Releases: onevcat/Kingfisher

5.15.2 - Xcode 11 Revived

19 Sep 09:06
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  • Fix a build error introduced by the previous SwiftUI fix for Xcode 12. Now Xcode 11 can also build the KingfisherSwiftUI target. #1515

5.15.1 - SwiftUI Layout

16 Sep 14:54
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  • A workaround for a SwiftUI issue that embedding an image view inside the List > NavigationLink > HStack hierarchy could crash the app on iOS 14. #1508

5.15.0 - Video and Text Attachment

17 Aug 13:35
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  • An AVAssetImageDataProvider to generate an image from a remote video asset at a specified time. All the processing gets benefits from current existing Kingfisher technologies, such as cache and image processors. #1500
  • New extension methods on NSTextAttachment to load an image from network for an attachment. #1495
  • A general clear cache method which combines clearing for memory cache and disk cache. #1494


  • Now the sample app has a new look and supports dark mode, finally. #1496

5.14.1 - Summer Fix

05 Jul 17:22
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  • Early return if no valid animator in an AnimatedImageView. This prevents a CGImage rendering issue displaying a static image. #1428
  • Enable Define Module setting to generate module map. So Kingfisher could be used in libraries imported to Objective-C projects. #1451
  • A fix to workaround on implicitly initializer of queue that might cause a crash. #1449
  • Improve the disk cache performance by avoiding unnecessary disk operations. #1480

5.14.0 - Retry Strategy

12 May 15:11
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  • A .retryStrategy option and associated RetryStrategy to define a highly customizable retry mechanism in Kingfisher. [#1424]
  • Built-in DelayRetryStrategy to provide a most common used retry strategy implementation. It simplifies the normal retry requirement when downloading an image from network. #1447
  • Now you can set the round corner radius for a RoundCornerImageProcessor in a fraction way. This is useful when you do not know the desire image view size, but still want to clip any received image to a certain round corner ratio (such as a circle for any image). #1443
  • Add an isLoaded binding to KFImage to follow SwiftUI pattern better. #1429


  • An issue that .imageModifier option not working on an ImageProvider provided image. #1435
  • A workaround for making xcframework continue to work when exported with Swift 5.2 compiler and Xcode 11.4. #1444

5.13.4 - Build Configurations

11 Apr 01:28
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  • Expose all build configurations in Package.swift file for Swift Package Manager. Now you can choose the linking style by yourself. #1426

5.13.3 - Dynamic SPM

01 Apr 02:57
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  • Allows Carthage to build this library for macOS. #1413
  • Explicitly specify to build as a dynamic framework for Swift Package Manager. #1420

5.13.2 - KFImage Orientation

27 Feb 15:51
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  • An issue for KFImage when resizing images with different EXIF orientation other than top. #1396
  • A race condition when setting CacheCallbackCoordinator state. #1394
  • Move an @objc attribute to prevent warnings in Xcode 11.4.

5.13.1 - Internal Warning

17 Feb 13:13
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  • Fix an unused variable warning which is on by default in Xcode 11.4 and Swift 5.2, which makes CocoaPods angry when compiling. #1393

5.13.0 - New Year 2020

17 Jan 14:28
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  • Mark DefaultCacheSerializer as public and enables the ability of original data caching. #1373
  • Add image compression quality parameter to DefaultCacheSerializer. #1372
  • A new contentURL property in ImageDataProvider to provide a URL when it makes sense. #1386


  • Now, local file URLs can be loaded as Resources without converted to LocalFileImageDataProvider explicitly. #1386