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Releases: onevcat/Kingfisher

6.1.1 - SwiftUI Issues

16 Feb 15:20
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  • Remove unnecessary queue dispatch when setting image result. This prevents image flickering when some situation. #1615
  • Now the KF builder methods also accept optional URL or Source. It aligns the syntax with the normal view extension methods. #1617
  • Fix an issue that wrong hash is calculated for ImageBinder. It might cause view state lost for a KFImage. #1624
  • Now the ImageCache will disable the disk storage when there is no free space on disk when creating the cache folder, instead of just crashing it. #1628
  • A workaround for @State lost when using a view inside another container in a Lazy stack or grid. #1631
  • Performance improvement for images with an non-up orientation in Exif when displaying in KFImage. #1629

6.1.0 - SwiftUI Rework

01 Feb 12:44
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  • Rewrite state management for KFImage. Now the image reloading works in a more stable way without task dispatching. #1604
  • Add fade and forceTransition modifier to KFImage to support built-in fade in effect when loading image in SwiftUI. #1604


  • When an ImageModifier is applied, the modified image is not cached to memory cache anymore. The ImageModifier is intended to be used just before setting the image to a view and now it works as expected. #1612
  • Now SwiftUI and Combine are declared as weak link in podspec. This is a workaround for some rare case build issue. It does not affect supported deploy version of Kingfisher. #1607
  • Remove header file from podspec to allow Kingfisher built as a static framework in a Swift-ObjC mixed project. #1608

6.0.1 - Bind & Hug

05 Jan 13:08
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  • Start the binder again when KFImage initialized, to keep the same behavior as previous versions. #1594

6.0.0 - New Year 2021

03 Jan 06:37
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  • A KF shorthand to create image setting tasks and config them. It provides a cleaner and modern way to use Kingfisher. Now, instead of using imageView.kf.setImage(with:options:), you can perform chain-able invocation with KF helpers. For example, the code below is identical. #1546

    // Old way
      with: url,
      placeholder: localImage,
      options: [.transition(.fade(1)), .loadDiskFileSynchronously],
      progressBlock: { receivedSize, totalSize in
      completionHandler: { result in
    // New way
      .fade(duration: 1)
      .onProgress { _ in print("progressBlock") }
      .onSuccess { result in print(result) }
      .onFailure { err in print("Error: \(err)") }
      .set(to: imageView)
  • Similar to KF, The KFImage for SwiftUI is now having the similar chain-able syntax to setup an image task and options. This makes the KFImage APIs closer to the way how SwiftUI code is written. #1586

  • Add support for TVMonogramView on tvOS. #1571

  • Some important properties and method in AnimatedImageView.Animator are marked as public now. It provides some useful information of the decoded GIF files. #1575

  • An AsyncImageDownloadRequestModifier to support modifying the request in an asynchronous way. #1589

  • Add a .lowDataMode option to support for Low Data Mode. When the .lowDataMode option is provided with an alternative source (usually a low-resolution version of the original image), Kingfisher will respect user's Low Data Mode setting and download the alternative image instead. #1590


  • An issue that importing AppKit wrongly in a macCatalyst build. #1547


  • Deprecated types, methods and properties are removed. If you are still using Kingfisher.Image, Kingfisher.ImageView or Kingfisher.Button, use the equivalent KFCrossPlatform types (such as KFCrossPlatformImage, etc) instead. Please make sure you do not have any warnings before migrate to Kingfisher v6. For more about the removed deprecated things, check #1525.
  • The standalone framework target of SwiftUI support is removed. Now the SwiftUI support is a part in the main Kingfisher library. To upgrade to v6, first remove Kingfisher/SwiftUI subpod (if you are using CocoaPods) or remove the KingfisherSwiftUI target (if you are using Carthage or Swift Package Manager), then reinstall Kingfisher. #1574

5.15.8 - KFImage handler

27 Nov 14:38
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  • An issue caused the onSuccess handler not be called when the image is already cached. #1570

5.15.7 - Cancel Lock

29 Oct 12:45
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  • A potential crash when cancelling image downloading task while accessing its original request on iOS 13 or earlier. #1558

5.15.6 - ImageBinder Callback

11 Oct 02:30
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  • Prevent main queue dispatching in ImageBinder if it is already on main thread. This prevents unintended flickering when reloading. #1551

5.15.5 - Cancelling Fix

29 Sep 13:31
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  • A possible fix for the crashes when cancelling a huge amount of image tasks too fast. [#1537]

5.15.4 - Farewell Objective-C (CocoaPods)

24 Sep 01:18
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  • Give SessionDelegate an Objective-C name so it can work with other libraries even added by a dependency which generates Objective-C header. #1532

5.15.3 - Farewell Objective-C

20 Sep 16:21
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  • Removed the unnecessary ObjC header generating and module defining due to Xcode 12 is now generating conflicted types even for different libraries. #1517
  • Set deploy target for SwiftUI target and its pod spec to iOS 10 and macOS 10.12, which aligns to the settings of core framework. That resolves some dependency issues when using CocoaPods for both app target and extension targets. But it does not mean you can use the SwiftUI support on those minimal target. All related APIs are still unavailable on old system versions. #1524